Where to find the Mac agent if you are currently running Agent 5.1
The 5.1 agent files are located in the '/Library/KBOXAgent/Home/bin/' and '/Library/KBOXAgent/Home/data' directory. These processes are found in the '/Library/KBOXAgent/Home/bin/' :
- kagentd - KBOX Agent Process
- SMMPAgent - KBOX SMMP Process
- inventory - create machine.xml
- runallkbots - force check in (4.3)
- setkbox - change the KBOX host
- kagentctl <start|stop|restart|status|hup>
- SMMPctl <start|stop>
The '/Library/KBOXAgent/Home/data' contains:
- KBOX_LOG.txt - log file
- kbot_config.yaml - config.xml equivalent (pre 5.0)
- kuid.txt - KACE id
- kbox_cache - scripts (2 and 3 for now)
- packages/ - managed installs (??)
and /var/kace/SMMP/
- SMMP.conf - SMMP config file
- agent.log - SMMP log
- pluginPatching.log - patching log
- patches/ - patch downloads
If the hostname needs to be changed, Follow these steps:
- sudo SystemStarter stop KBOXAgent
- sudo /Library/KBOXAgent/Home/bin/setkbox <kboxname>
- sudo SystemStarter stop KBOXAgent
If debug needs to be enabled, Follow these steps:
- sudo touch /var/kace/kagentd/debug_agent.tag
- sudo SystemStarter stop KBOXAgent
- Debug_agent.log will be created and used for debug logging.
- AMP:
- /var/kace/SMMP/SMMP.conf - add a line: debug=true
- sudo SystemStarter start KBOXAgent
- Agent.log will be used for debug logging
Use this script to install the 5.1 agent to a Macintosh:
/usr/sbin/installer -pkg "KBOX Agent.pkg" -target / &&
/Library/KBOXAgent/Home/bin/kagentctl stop &&
/Library/KBOXAgent/Home/bin/SMMPctl stop &&
/Library/KBOXAgent/Home/bin/setkbox kbox.corp.kace.com &&
/Library/KBOXAgent/Home/bin/setssl 0
To remove the 5.1 agent installed on a Macintosh, follow these steps:
sudo SystemStarter stop KBOXAgent
sudo rm -fr /var/kace/ /Library/KBOXAgent/ /Library/StartupItems/KBOXAgent/ "/Library/Receipts/KBOX Agent.pkg"