Initial install: Run it, and then before closing look in local settings\temp for the teamviewer folder.
Grab the exe from the Teamviewer 7 folder. run it with /S
It's not "completely" silent as it launches the program upon completion. If anyone has tips on how to fix this I'd love to hear them.
Install TeamViewer silent and with settings.
---- Batch.cmd ------
"%InstallSource%\TeamViewer_Setup_de.exe" /S
ping -n 4 localhost> nul
taskList|find "TeamViewer.exe" >nul
if not errorlevel 1 taskkill /im "TeamViewer.exe" /f /t&goto next
ping -n 5 localhost> nul
goto :L
regedit /s %InstallSource%\TeamViewer_Settings.reg
sc stop TeamViewer8 >NUL 2>&1
sc start TeamViewer8 >NUL 2>&1
---- Batch.cmd ------
---- TeamViewer_Settings.reg ------
- Set your Settings in TeamViewer
- Advanced -> Show advanced options -> Export options to a *.reg file
---- TeamViewer_Settings.reg ------
For Enterprise with a corporate licens.
Grab the MSI package from, you would need to enter your licens key to be able to download the MSI file.
Once downloaded you will have a TeamViewer.MSI and a TeamViewer_Host.MSI
Those can be deolpyed with normal MSI settings. The following will do a silent deployment
msiexec /i TeamViewer.MSI /qn
To deploy preconfigured settings, including the licens key - install teamviewer on a reference pc, and set the teamviewer settings as you like.
Then start teamviewer and go to "Extra -> Options -> Advanced -> Export to .reg file"
The regfile is required to have the name TeamViewer_Settings.reg, and shall be in the same folder as the MSI file.
When the TeamViewer_Settings.reg file is in the same folder as the MSI file, it will automaticly use the settings from the reg file.
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