
TeamViewer Update

Hi There,

I have created a package for TeamViewer 7.0 which I have deployed via KACE 1000 which has been done succesfully.

As you know TeamViewer 8.0 is out there and wanted to update my clients which are on 7.0?

What is the best method to do this? Anyone has run this project without uninstall and reinstall? Has anyone done this via K1000 by updating a custom msi package?




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Answers (4)

Posted by: nshah 12 years ago
Red Belt

well I would use managed installations if you can install Team View 8 over 7 or if you can give the TV 8 installer commands to remove old versions via switch or arguments.

If you can't then I would probably us the scripting engine with 2 tasks, remove 7 for task 1 and install 8 with task 2. 

  • Thanks for the update.. I will research further - hjansari 12 years ago
Posted by: jknox 12 years ago
Red Belt

What does the documentation for TeamViewer 8 say about upgrades?  Is there an upgrade installer?  Otherwise, I agree with nshah.

  • Another thought... possible to upgrade TeamViewer by creating a KSCRIPT and push this out to machines.
    Please let me know if anyone else has done this before. - hjansari 12 years ago
Posted by: hjansari 12 years ago
Fourth Degree Green Belt

Another thought... possible to upgrade TeamViewer by creating a KSCRIPT and push this out to machines.
Please let me know if anyone else has done this before.

Posted by: dm2000 11 years ago
White Belt

I have successfully been deploying Teamviewer msi via the K1000 & K2000 using the below method.  It allows for a complete custom installation.

1. Install Teamviewer 8 & customize it using a test machine.  

(Teamviewer 8 MSI automatically uninstalls all previous versions)

2. Export the registry settings for Teamviewer 8... click Extras\Options\Advanced\Show advanced options\Teamviewer options\Export options to a *.reg file\Export.  Rename the exported registry settings file to "TeamViewer_Settings.reg" (without quotes) as advised in the Teamviewer Deployment guide.

3. Create a install.bat file with the following cmd line .\"TeamViewer.msi" /qn

4. Zip install.bat TeamViewer.msi TeamViewer_Settings.reg into one zip file. I call mine TeamviewerMSI.zip

5. Add zip file as a K1000 managed installation

5b. For "Installation Command" check 'Configure Manually' enter cmd 'install.bat' without quotes

5c. Check "Don't prepend msiexec:"

6. Deploy to a test machine to confirm successful config.

*remember a license key is only required on the technician\helpdesk install not on end user installations*

  • Hi dm2000,

    Does the above also uninstall version 7.0? or will it only deploy Teamviewer 8.0?
    Please advise?


    H - hjansari 11 years ago
  • Hi dm2000,

    Does the above also uninstall version 7.0? or will it only deploy Teamviewer 8.0?
    Please advise?


    H - hjansari 11 years ago
  • Teamviewer.msi will uninstall all previous versions of Teamviewer prior to the v8 installation . - dm2000 11 years ago
  • Hi dm2000, There is a issue with TeamViewer 7.0 where it doesnt get uninstalled.
    This what TeamViewer has mentioned themselves and we are experiencing this issue as well.
    How did you manage to get around with this?

    H - hjansari 11 years ago

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