
WinVNC.exe is not a valid Win32 Application for x64 KBE

I have started to get the following error message on my two x64 KBEs which have been working well up until now.
Y:\hta\amd64\ultravnc\winvnc.exe is not a valid Win32 application
This is keeping me from capturing images. Anyone have any thoughts on this?


2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • I have the same issue, but it happened to me after we updated to the new version and tried to recreate KBE's with some new drivers.

    Contacted Kace support, waiting for them to call me back. - nut 7 years ago
  • Did it work the next day? Are you sure you are running a 64bit kbe? - cserrins 7 years ago

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