
KACE SMA - Custom Inventory Rule not working after update to 13.2.24 Agent version


After update the KACE Agent to 13.2.24 from 13.2.23 version, all Custom Inventory Rule is not working from OS Windows platform

[ERRATA] Only my CIR to obtain the RegistryValueReturn show the results.

[KAgent.log] Working

[2024-05-05.08:48:30][KDeploy:CDeployController::Execu] rule ID [5374] : issuing rule [RegistryValueReturn(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager, PendingFileRenameOperations,REG_MULTI_SZ);]

[2024-05-05.08:48:30][KDeploy:CDeployController::Execu] [OUT] \??\c:\program files\common files\microsoft shared\clicktorun\updates\16.0.17531.20120[OUT]

[2024-05-05.08:48:30][KDeploy:CDeployController::Execu] rule [5374] statement result: ;5374:XD8/XGM6XHByb2dyYW0gZmlsZXNcY29tbW9uIGZpbGVzXG1pY3Jvc29mdCBzaGFyZWRcY2xpY2t0b3J1blx1cGRhdGVzXDE2LjAuMTc1MzEuMjAxMjA=%TEXT, TRUE

[KAgent.log] Not-Working

[2024-05-05.08:48:30][KDeploy:CDeployController::Execu] rule ID [5376] : issuing rule [ShellCommandTextReturn(cmd /c wmic memorychip get SerialNumber, Description, Capacity, DeviceLocator, Speed, PartNumber, Manufacturer);]

[2024-05-05.08:48:30][KDeploy:KLaunchClient::Launch   ] KLaunchClient::Launch()

[2024-05-05.08:48:30][KDeploy:KLaunchClient::DumpState] Launch State:  Command="cmd /c wmic memorychip get SerialNumber, Description, Capacity, DeviceLocator, Speed, PartNumber, Manufacturer"  WorkingDir="" Timeout=7200000 ShouldDetach=0 ShowWindow=0 Redirect_stdout=1 Redirect_stderr=0 Desktop=winsta0\default Using Wait_Override=0

[2024-05-05.08:48:30][KDeploy:KLaunchUtils::DoesTokenH] DoesTokenHaveLSAPriviledges returning: 1

[2024-05-05.08:48:30][KDeploy:KLaunchUtils::GetUserNam] GetUserNameFromSession: WTSQuerySessionInformation returned UserName=AlexandreMafaldo

[2024-05-05.08:48:30][KDeploy:KLaunchUtils::GetIdOfAct] GetIdOfActiveUser: SECURITY_LOGON_TYPE: 2(183) Cannot create a file when that file already exists.

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Answers (9)

Posted by: da$criptM@n 2 months ago
White Belt

Confirmed with Quest support of 5/15/24 that above issue with custom inventory is still ongoing even with new agent version (13.2.26). No ETA on fix, but its being investigated. Will post any updates once I hear back from Quest.

  • Confirmed, issue resolved in agent version 13.2.27 - da$criptM@n 2 months ago
Posted by: zberkowitz 2 months ago
Senior White Belt

Just checked and 13.2.27 is now available. I have only tested on one machine so far, but it seems to resolve the issue for me.

  • Thanks. I tested one machine and it seems to be working for me also. - lama01 2 months ago
    • I have tested deploying version (13.2.27) on a few machines as well and have confirmed that the custom inventory rules are working again. - da$criptM@n 2 months ago
Posted by: da$criptM@n 2 months ago
White Belt

Confirmed with Quest support of 5/8/24 that above issue is still ongoing until new agent version is released.

Posted by: CarstenBuscher 2 months ago
Purple Belt
I tested the new agent and the Powershell based CIR still doesn't work.

  • did you update trhe agent and do a new check in? If yes, check the logs and you can copy it here. I tested it yesterday and after the agents updated and checked in (usually 2 check ins are needed: 1 for agent update and 1 for running) it worked well for many different CIR. - Nico_K 2 months ago
    • I rolled out the agent, restarted the computer and made several inventory runs. I've already spoken to Quest Support about this and will just wait for the day and see what it looks like at the end of the day. - CarstenBuscher 2 months ago
      • I started the inventory manually twice and after the second run the CIR actually appear in the inventory. This means that Quest has changed something since this was not the case in 13.2.23. The CIR showed up right after the first run. - CarstenBuscher 2 months ago
Posted by: c.castellari 2 months ago
Blue Belt

Agent 13.2.26 and CIR still does'nt working

In CIR's we have Bitlocker recovery passwords per EVERY our device... 

  • If I run the command kdeploy -custominventory on one of the computers with the new agent, the CIRs appear in the inventory. - CarstenBuscher 2 months ago
    • I confirm: if I execute the command manually, CIR magically appears. But they don't appear when the devices are automatically inventoried - c.castellari 2 months ago
Posted by: c.castellari 2 months ago
Blue Belt

Agent 13.2.26 and it still doesn't work.

If I start "kdeploy.exe -custominventory" on every single PC the CIRs arrive, but at the next inventory they disappear again

Posted by: lama01 2 months ago
Fourth Degree Green Belt

Same boat here. We had a custom report that broke on the 13.2.24 agent. Reverting back to .23 and it works. They released .26 but it breaks again. 

Posted by: c.castellari 2 months ago
Blue Belt

I can confirm too: 13.2.27 resolved the issue

Posted by: Nico_K 2 months ago
Red Belt

this issue is currently reviewed and filed under K1A-4098. 
Please contact KACE support for more informations and a possible solution. (a new agent will be released soon)

  • the latest agent is out.
    Please be aware, that if you run an automated agent update (suggested) two check ins are needed (one for agent update and one for "normal check in") to have all info updated. - Nico_K 2 months ago
    • It still doesn't work.
      If I start "kdeploy.exe -custominventory" on every single PC the CIRs arrive, but at the next inventory they disappear again

      Agent 13.2.6 and Kace SMA with organization module - c.castellari 2 months ago
      • Yes I can attest to @c.castellari.
        We're on KAgents 13.2.26 and CIR doesn't work on normal inventory cycles. - Unsullied 2 months ago
      • They are aware .26 doesnt work either. - lama01 2 months ago
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