
Reminder Email

Is it possible to send a reminder email to a user for a particular status?

I need email to be sent to the submitter when status is changed to "Need More Info". Be great if I could set it up to send weekly till the status changed from "Need More Info". Status Change is selected under Emails on Events.

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Answers (2)

Posted by: AmberSDNB 3 months ago
Blue Belt

They have built in ticket rules to do something like this.

WaitingOverDue - When we ask the submitter a question, we flip our ticket to "More Info Required". In this rule we have it set for...

After waiting in status: More Info Required
For a period of: 3 days
Change status to: Idle
And Send email:
Your ticket has been placed in status "Idle" because we have not received an update from you in 3 days. Please reply to this email with an update to this ticket so we can help resolve your issue. The ticket will close soon unless we receive an update from you.

OverDueClose - If the ticket sits at More Info Required for 3 days, the above rule flips it to Idle. Once it's idle, if they don't respond for 3 more days their ticket auto closes.
After waiting in status: Idle
For a period of: 3 days
Change status to: Closed
And Send email:
This ticket has been closed because we did not receive an update from you for 6 days. If you're still having issues, please contact the help desk.

CustomerResponded - This rule takes the ticket out of more info required or idle if the user responds within the 6 days.
If a ticket is updated while sitting in: Idle, More Info Required
Change Status to: Work in Progress

I'm sure you could tweak these rules for your needs. For recurring emails, you may need to put it into a loop so the email keeps triggering. (More Info Required -> after 3 days Idle -> after 4 days More Info Required)

Posted by: dhathcock 3 months ago
Senior White Belt

Thanks for the help.

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