
Symantec Remote Decryption - SED - SCCM

Hi ,

I am currently having the PGP encryption desktop having version 10.5.1 .

We have successfully decrypted the system using the command below on directly the endpoint.

1. open a command prompt and change to the PGP installation directory C:\Program Files\PGP Corporation\PGP Desktop. (this is to let you know the directory of PGP agent only)

2.Run the command: pgpwde  --decrypt  --passphrase "passphrase"  --disk 0  --all-partitions

We need to execute the command remotely using SCCM but we are not having any results neither the decryption is initiating directly from SCCM but command is executing from SCCM.

Any can let us know the possible reasons .
Best practices of remote decryptions.
Recommendation of remote decryption.
From where logs can be seen for remote decryption for the SCCM logs on endpoint.

Ather Mobeen

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Answers (1)

Posted by: johndoe2023 1 year ago
White Belt

Hi, can you share SED 10.5.1 installation file?

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