
Kace SMA Managed Installs

Can someone please explain the deploy,ment window order number in managed installations? If I need an app to install prior to another app do I give it a higher or lower number? For example the default order is 10. Should I make the app I need to install prior 9 or 11.


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Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: Nico_K 1 year ago
Red Belt

The lower the order number the earlier it is run.
If you have 10 items with 5, 7 items with 3 and 1 item with 1 then the item with the 1 will be deployed first. then the 7 with 3 and only when all 7 items with 3 are deployed it starts with the 10 items which have the 10.

See also: YOURSMA/locale/en_US.UTF-8/doc/wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/frameset.htm#href=c_UsingManagedInstallations.html#ID0EA13X

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