
KACE API - Updating a Machine's labels through API

Hi everyone,

I would like to assign a label to a machine trough the API.

Until now I've managed to GET machines with their label, using "https://<mykaceappliance>/api/inventory/machines?shaping=label standard"

I would like now to SET them, and there I always run into 500 errors. My latest try was to have a Json body looking as such :


There doesn't seem to be documentation on the body syntax for a PUT request (the documentation says "See Appendix B for an example of the request body format" but I can't find any appendix).

Would anyone be able to help me with this ?

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Answers (2)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: Stepan 1 year ago
White Belt

Top Answer

Hi Seril, 

There's no way to put a label to machine via API. I did a lot of experiments with it and hadn't succeeded. Here's example thread with reply: https://www.itninja.com/question/kace-api-updating-a-machines-labels-through-api
Since Quest doesn't really develop and even support API I'd suggest that it won't appear in near future. Sad since we also needed it. 

Posted by: SeRil 1 year ago
White Belt

Hi Stepan,

Thank you very much for your answer. I also experimented a bit and ended up asking to save some time, it is good to know someone had the same issue. It's indeed sad but we will have to cope with it then I guess :(

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