
K1000 assets no longer display related objects?

This isn't necessarily critical as I'm just now noticing this, but I realized that since upgrading our appliance from v6 to v7, which is when I'm assuming this began, that assets no longer have a "related objects" catalog at the bottom of their asset page. This was a convenient method for pulling up multiple forms of data simultaneously without manually navigating to the various asset pages, e.g. I relate all custom assets to a parent location, and I could easily ctrl + click each related asset as necessary to open all related assets to a location. I'm not sure if this is by design or an unintentional upgrade flaw. Has anyone else noticed or commented on this?

I understand that I can add fields to existing assets such as the location and manually re-add related objects, but it made a lot more since creating the link upon building a new custom asset and then having it link to the origin/parent asset (location in my case)

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Answers (1)

Posted by: airwolf 6 years ago
Red Belt
You can still link assets to other asset types via a field. I'm not sure I understand the issue you're having entirely. I'd suggest contacting KACE Support so we can gather more info and get you a definitive answer/solution.


  • Hi Airwolf - Linking assets still works, however I believe in version 5 and version 6 when you linked an asset to another asset, the link would appear in the asset details page of the asset you linked to. In our case, I link any relevant assets to our "locations", however the links I'm creating such as cost centers to location, or ISP to location, etc - the links no longer appear from the bottom of the Locations asset details page. As I mentioned from previous builds, there used to be a small section at the bottom of an asset details page that contained information about related assets. If this isn't normal behavior, I can contact support and see if they have an idea. Was just curious if it was an intentional change or if anyone else used the feature in that manner who may have noticed the change. - rrjustin 6 years ago
    • Are you talking about the "Related Assets" section at the bottom of the asset details page? That still exists on 7.x. If it's missing, you should definitely contact Support. - airwolf 6 years ago
      • I contacted support about this and I realized the issue. The "Locations" assets don't show related assets anymore, other assets do. KACE supposedly removed the "related assets" field from Locations for what seemed like a poorly explained reason to me - because they "changed" the way it worked, but created a specific view option under 'view > locations' to display related assets to a location.

        My only gripe with this is that the related assets field wasn't listed as a feature being removed from Locations in the release notes, and it was convenient to see all of the location details while simultaneously loading the subsequent asset details in new tabs.

        The technicians I spoke with said my specific reported issue isn't an issue, but a feature change and is working as intended through feature enhancement although I believe (at least in my use case) it removed convenience.

        I asked if this was going to be addressed in a future release and I was told no. So Locations assets no longer directly display "related assets" at the bottom of their details page, however other assets (including custom assets) do. - rrjustin 6 years ago
      • Ah yes, that's correct. The Locations asset is a special case since the developers added the ability to tie devices to the location from its asset detail page. The "View By > Locations" workaround gives you the same list that would have previously been listed at the bottom of the asset detail page for the location in question. It's a bit more convenient to export this list from the asset list view anyway (which is what I believe drove the design choice), so hopefully it's more useful for folks in the long run. We try to include everything that could impact customers in the release notes, but every minor change doesn't always make it in. I apologize on behalf of KACE for the inconvenience. - airwolf 6 years ago
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