K1000 7.0 Inventory only updates when running Forced Check In

Essentially none of our k1000 agents are not checking in, This is a little over 2000 devices. We were running out of space and called quest and they assisted us in removing some old packages. Since this point none of our agents are able to check in anymore. We have checked our antivirus and this does not seem to be causing the issue.
The weird part is when I run a "runkbot 6 0" it checks in just fine and looks regular. When I run a forced inventory directly from the K1000 it doesnt seem to reach any of the assets.
I feel that it is some issue with the K1000 side of things but I cant figure out what it is since I can run a manual check in. Does a manual check in and a automatic check in use different ports?
Quest is telling us to completely upgrade the server which we will eventually but we want to try and get this issue sorted out.
our lowest agent is 6.4.180 and out highest agent is 7.0.763 and the K1000 server is Version: 7.0.121306. We have not turned on provisioning as of yet but we will once we get this sorted out. Literally none of the agents are doing out automatic checkin. They only work from a forced inventory on the actual client.
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Run this:
%~dp0PSexec.exe \\TESTCOMPUTER -s cmd /s /c ""c:\Program Files (x86)\Dell\KACE\amptools.exe" retrust && "c:\Program Files (x86)\Dell\KACE\runkbot.exe" 4 0" - Desktop Jockey 7 years ago
2017-06-04.23:40:24-0400|INFO |serverconn.go:221:reconnect | KUID |{"kuid":"(*kace id*)"}
2017-06-04.23:40:24-0400|INFO |serverconn.go:280:Connect | Connecting |{"url":"https://kbox1.internal.nccde.org:443"}
2017-06-04.23:40:27-0400|ERROR|serverconn.go:298:Connect | Could not Negotiate |{"err":"EOF"}
It seems like the konea service cant reach the server. But what changes when I do a manual check in because that works properly. - benjimatt 7 years ago
Do you have any 6.4.522 agents left in the environment? If so, are they having the same issue? - Desktop Jockey 7 years ago
Better upgrade to 7.1
@Desktop Jockey, if 6.4.x agents are going to be used in conjunction with 7.x server , please be aware of this:
https://support.quest.com/kace-systems-management-appliance/kb/226357 - Channeler 7 years ago