
How to uninstall KACE Agent 6.3.314


I'm trying to uninstall Kace Agent from several computers I have, Macs and PC's, but I can't find Kace Agent in the control panel> Programs> Uninstall Programs, like how it used to be before! When I try to uninstall it through CMD it never get uninstalled! Is there any way to uninstall it? Please let me know if you know how! Thank you.

4 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • Try running the bat file from your K1 share - \\K1ShareName_Or_IPAddress\client\agent_provisioning\windows_platform\agent_msi_remove.bat - hoodathunkut 9 years ago
  • You could also run the uninstall from K1000 > Settings > Provisioning > Provision Agents > and then select the IPs of the machines and choose the radio button for Uninstall.

    Hope this helps. - hoodathunkut 9 years ago
  • Where can I find the radio button to uninstall??? - mkad 9 years ago
  • Other option is use PSEXEC with the above command mentioned, or can use GPO - Deepak Gupta 9 years ago

Answers (2)

Posted by: jknox 9 years ago
Red Belt
You can use this in a command prompt:  c:\program files (x86)\dell\kace\amptools uninstall
Posted by: JC_Chi 8 years ago
Yellow Belt
With 6.3 you wont see it listed in the control panel anymore. You have to run the installer to remove it.
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