
How can I call a VB Script in a batch file in a K1000 managed install?

I am attempting to uninstall Microsoft Office 2010 x86 then install Office 2013 x64.

To uninstall Office x86, I am using OffScrub10.vbs which was extracted from a Microsoft FixIt outlined here - http://goo.gl/3JD0og

I am calling the VBScript to uninstall, then the Office setup.exe in a batch file here:

 @echo off

pushd %~dp0

start /wait "" cscript offscrub10.vbs All /force 

start setup.exe 

This all works fine ran directly on the PC.

When it is put in a zip file with the Office 2013 files, and the .bat file is called in the managed install, the install completely skips the VBScript.

Is there a way around this? Is it even possible?

2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • Do you have to uninstall 2010? You can't just install 2013 over top of it? - anonymous_95342 11 years ago
    • The Office 2013 64 bit setup will not uninstall or install over the Office 2010 installation because the bitness is different. eg. x64 vs x86 - afuoco 11 years ago
  • Were you ever able to get it to work? I'm trying to do the same thing even using jagadeish's link I can't find a way to add switches. - bbroiles 10 years ago
    • There were only a handful of computers that we needed to use this on, so we just ran the batch file by hand from an external hard drive.
      Though, I believe this may be possible with the 6.0 version of the k1000 now having VB script support. - afuoco 10 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: jagadeish 11 years ago
Red Belt

Try with this

Start /wait Cscript.exe //B // NoLogo "%~dp0OffScrub10.vbs" All /Force

  • No this still does not work.
    Does the K1000 have a problem with calling VBScripts? - afuoco 11 years ago
    • http://www.itninja.com/blog/view/kace-running-vbs-script-in-scripting - jagadeish 11 years ago
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