
Can't find uninstall key for Java 8 update 101 x32bit

In our environment we are using SCCM to push out both the x32 and x64bit versions of Java to all PCs. I have created a batch file that silently installs both and removes older versions of Java (since Java 8 no longer auto uninstalls older versions). This has been working fine, except now  that update 111 has come out I can't seem to figure out the uninstall key for the 32bit ver of update 101. When I look through the registry I can find the key for the 64bit ver and write a command to uninstall that with no issue. But I can't find anything in the reg for the 32bit ver. Running the command MsiExec.exe /X{26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F64180101F0} /q /norestart  will uninstall the 64bit one successfully, yet it leaves the 32bit one out there. Looking at my previous batch files I only had one uninstall key per version so I'm assuming it effectively uninstalled both 32 and 64bit versions, although I'm not 100% certain of that. Any suggestions?

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  • If you want to find all guids of installed software, you can type in a cmd : "wmic product list brief" .. it will return all software info from "installed softwares in control panel" - Gaspesy 8 years ago

Answers (2)

Posted by: techsurfer 8 years ago
Senior White Belt

Is this an msi file that you are running to install JAVA 8 Update 101?

If so, edit the msi and get the produck key from the properties.
Then run msiexec X {RODUCTKEY} /qn REBOOT=ReallySuppress /l*V "path to log" and see how it goes

  • Yep that did it, thanks!! Go figure, the last part of the product code has a 32 or 64 in it based on the version haha. ex. ...2F6418... or ...2F3218... - winterelegy 8 years ago
Posted by: emilchik 8 years ago
White Belt

I was in the same boat to deploy Java 8u102 (had to go with older version for compartability issues with one vendor site), previously removing all older versions. I use powershell script to run the upgrade process ( SCCM application runs that script ). I run a WMI Quiery to get all versions of 32-bit and 64-bit Java with these quieries:

For 32-bit:

$query= "select * from win32_Product where (Name like 'Java %' or Name like 'Java(TM)%' or Name like 'J2SE%') and (Name <> 'Java Auto Updater') and (Not Name like '%(64-bit)%') and ((Vendor='Sun Microsystems, Inc.') or (Vendor like 'Oracle%')) and (NOT Name like '%CompuGROUP%') and (NOT Name like '%IBM%') and (NOT Name like '%DB%') and (NOT Name like '%Advanced Imaging%') and (NOT Name like '%Media Framework%') and (NOT Name like '%SDK%') and (NOT Name like '%Development Kit%')"

For 64-bit:

$query= "select * from win32_Product where (Name like 'Java %' or Name like 'Java(TM)%' or Name like 'J2SE%') and (Name <> 'Java Auto Updater') and (Name like '%(64-bit)%') and ((Vendor='Sun Microsystems, Inc.') or (Vendor like 'Oracle%')) and (NOT Name like '%CompuGROUP%') and (NOT Name like '%IBM%') and (NOT Name like '%DB%') and (NOT Name like '%Advanced Imaging%') and (NOT Name like '%Media Framework%') and (NOT Name like '%SDK%') and (NOT Name like '%Development Kit%')"


$javas=Get-WmiObject -query $query

With this method I can remove all versions before installing new one.

I can provide full script , if interested.

  • Not helpful. This post asked for uninstall, not install, which is what I'm looking for too. - tonyland_sf 7 years ago

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