
Anyone running the Fall Creators Update having issues connecting to KBox Shares

Ever since I loaded the Fall Creators update on my laptop I am having issues connecting to \\K1000\clent and \\K2000\drivers... Anyone else having these issues?

2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • Might be just cached connections?

    Open CMD , and type NET USE.

    Use NET USE to delete any existing connections to the appliances.


    net use /delete \\YourKBOXIP\Client - Channeler 7 years ago
  • I tried it from several machines only ones that had the fall creators update build 1709 were affected... - ronfalkoff 7 years ago

Answers (5)

Posted by: ronfalkoff 7 years ago
Green Belt
  1. Run Registry Editor (REGEDIT).
  2. Navigate to the following registry key:


  3. Right click on the Parameters key name, and select New -> DWORD (32-bit) Value.

    New DWORD (32-bit) Value

  4. Name the new value as AllowInsecureGuestAuth and set its value data to 1.


  5. You should be able to access CIFS / SMB / Samba network shares instantly without login.

  • Thanks. had the same issue. But sorted now. - akmagnum 7 years ago
  • great! that's the solution - RandomITdude24 6 years ago
Posted by: Nico_K 7 years ago
Red Belt
had this with W10 Enterprise 1709 only. (No Pro and any other 1709 versions)
The above way did not work for me (in- and outside of the domain, with a joined and a not joined appliance and different SAMBA servers with SMB1 activated) 
Had to enable SMB1 on the clients as Microsoft described here:

Then it worked.

Posted by: ronfalkoff 7 years ago
Green Belt


I think it is the combo of both as SMB1 is not installed by default in the Creators Fall Update...


  • I also found this to be true. First I had to enable the smb1protocol and then had to update the registry. - breanne 7 years ago
Posted by: dstarrisom 7 years ago
Yellow Belt
While this does work, it's not a great workaround.  Microsoft specifically disabled guest access in SMB2.  See here:

Microsoft states that "By enabling insecure guest logons, this setting reduces the security of Windows clients."
Posted by: todd.varde@hwhlaw.com 6 years ago
Senior White Belt
If permanent access isn't required, another temporary/specific option (safer than the registry change option)...

1. Open command prompt
2. net use \\<kbox name or ip>\client /user:admin<or other username> <password>

You should now be able to access via File Explorer, etc.

Not sure how long this access lasts (my belief is until you logoff/restart the Windows computer).

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