
Amend the settings for all printers for default printing to Mono/grey-scale instead of color

We have a requirement to set the default print option to grayscale for all printers in our organization. This needs to be achieved on Windows 7 computers.
Please provide suggestions on how to implement the same.

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Answers (2)

Posted by: dunnpy 9 years ago
Red Belt
Are you talking about local printers, or printers hanging off a print server?

If they are networked with a print server, you should be able to change the default settings on the server, which will cascade down the the clients.
Posted by: alphabeta 9 years ago
Black Belt
I echo what dunnpy says. Just to add, the grayscale option is usually a tickbox option under Printer Settings and varies slightly from printer to printer. You'll need to go hunting for it under all the tabs and options.
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