
512e Advanced Format Hard Drives

With the onset of this new type of drive slowly becoming standard fair in Dell workstations, I'm curious if the included KACE preinstallation task scripts for formating and partitioning drives will work without issue, or do I need to clone them and make edits specifically for this type of hard drive?


Please see below link for referrence:


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Posted by: SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
Red Belt

use the newest waik on the machine you upload your env's from.  It has the proper files to work with them.  also add the drivers in your kbe (\\ikbox\drivers\kbe_windows_x??)

  • Both are done, but I'm wanting to make sure that the deployment scripts are going to work properly, namely "Windows 7 - Create Two Partitions (64bit)" and "Windows 7 - Format Disk (2 Partitions)". - aaronr 11 years ago
  • you can verify this by pxe or disk booting and then from the main menu choose recovery and use diskpart as mentioned in http://en.community.dell.com/techcenter/enterprise-client/w/wiki/deploying-dell-systems-with-advanced-format-hard-drives.aspx step 4 part 2

    Diskpart.exe - Use the following commands
    a.select disk 0 (hit enter) or use the disk number of the disk you want to evaluate.
    b.list partition (hit enter) Look for the offset to be equal to "1024 KB" OR
    c.select partition 1 (hit enter) or select the partition you want to evaluate
    d.detail partition (hit enter) divide the "offset in bytes" by 4096. If it equals a whole number it is aligned - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
  • Sweet, its aligned and both partitions are there just as they should be, but I still can't get this booger to boot up fully. Also Diskpart is showing 0 free space when I do a 'list disk'. Would that indicate a missing or bad driver for the storage? - aaronr 11 years ago
    • free is in reference to unallocated space on disk that is not an error - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
  • Well I've got the system imaged but I had to use the Dell Windows 7 cd and a thumb drive with several drivers to get 7 to see the drive I wanted it to image to. I'm going to make another kimage once I've got this one where I need it. I did, however, test the driver feed with a stock Dell 790 and the feed did not appear to work. I used both the original and the vbs "new" way. Neither seem to pull drivers. Is there any way you know of to confirm if its working or where the issue maybe in the process? - aaronr 11 years ago
    • I have had problems with the driver feed and also with other brands of systems so I restorted to manually placing my drivers on the server to upload to the KBE
      do a \\ikbox\drivers on your workstation and put in admin and share PW to get in.
      for 32 bit create a subdir under \\ikbox\drivers\kbe_windows_x86 and place your drivers in other subdirs there and for 64 \\ikbox\drivers\kbe_windows_x64
      Rerun the media manager or KBE manipulator and create a new boot env and it will have those drivers in it. - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
      • I was able to get the pc to boot to the Kbox with manually adding drivers to the folder and creating a new boot environment. My issue is those same drivers being added/applied to the older image via the script and driver feed. Even manually adding drivers to the driver feed folders isn't working for me. Its like the deployment either ignores the midinstall script or it craps out on me and moves on to the next stage. - aaronr 11 years ago
  • I believe you need to put them in either \\ikbox\drivers_postinstall\windows_7_x86(or 64) or \\ikbox\drivers\windows_7_x86(or 64).
    A dirty trick I learned you can do if it is a scripted install or sysprep image create a midlevel task to copy those drivers to c:\windows\inf and when the answer files runs during the install phase it will discover them there and use them.

    here is a example of a xcopy midlevel task

    md c:\windows\inf\tmccdrivers\t430
    xcopy y:\drivers\kbe_windows_x86\tmcc\t430\bluetooth\*.* c:\windows\inf\tmccdrivers\t430 /q /y /s

    this will not work with a captured kimage - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago

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