
Writing Custom SQL Reports in 6.4 to Report the FileVault

I see in the new version of K1000 that we upgraded to, we have a new series of entries for Mac computers indicating their FileVault encryption status.  This is a very interesting new feature.  I am very excited by it.

I see others have posted here previously about it prior to this addition, using a custom inventory record and querying the database to get that info.  With the newer out-of-the-box behavior, is there a way I can generate this report in SQL without implementing the CIR label->SQL report?

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Answers (1)

Posted by: CraigT 9 years ago
Orange Belt
A new table called MACHINE_FILEVAULT_VOLUME was added to record the information.  This means you can join on that table and pull out the information you need.  Below is a basic query joining it to the machine table, you'll want to modify it to look at a few test machines to see the columns available and confirm the settings to what you expect.


  • That last line should read:

    MACHINE.ID = MFV.ID - dugullett 9 years ago
    • It did work for me in the end when I had time to check. Thanks for your help. - ajstein 9 years ago

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