
WinZip Self extractor/Run WinZip Button


I've written a script that deploys Winzip to a series of machines. I also handle extensions so that my script is called when a zip file is double clicked (or ran).

When I double click on a self extracting winzip file, I get the dialog that allows me to choose a directory to extract to, but the "Run WinZip" button does nothing (even though WinZip is installed). Is there a reference in the registry that I can change so that my script is called when this button is clicked?

Thanks in Advance....

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Answers (2)

Posted by: sean_c_roberts 20 years ago
Senior Purple Belt
IF this is WiseScript (you didn't say WHAT KIND of script), then take a look at my code for clicking a button:

Go to www.dragonsoftru.com.

Go to the section on WiseScript.

Look by author.

Look for scripts by Sean Roberts.

Look for a script called: Click External Button
Posted by: StoneG 19 years ago
Yellow Belt
Thanks, but the scripting is not the problem. I'm working in vbscript if you must know.

Clicking the button is also not the problem. It is what happens after the button is clicked using the mouse (manually).

I need to have this button call my WinZip script. At this point, when I click the button, it does nothing. Is there a reference in the registry that I can change so that my script is called when this button is clicked? I want to run my script with an arguement, which in turn, runs winzip.
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