
Why is the Task Builder including the working directory in the commandline when I create a windows application post task?

This seems to be messing things up. When I troubleshoot this buy editing the failed post task during the deployment, I remove the directory path from the commandline and the task works fine. I am seeing alot of other examples on ITninja where the path is not in the command line and I;m not sure why the task keeps getting created this way. Also seems to be no way to edit this in the Task XML in PEinst after it is created.

I place this: cmd /c rez_change.exe /x:1920 /y:1080 in the parameter field when creating the task and I get this: "%systemdrive%\KACE\Applications\58\cmd /c rez_change.exe" /x:1920 /y:1080 in the task XML. It adds the path and the quotes and makes it fail.


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Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: cserrins 9 years ago
Red Belt

Top Answer

you don’t need cmd /c for rez change, it is an exe.
Just use rez_change.exe /x:1920 /y:1080


  • Thanks Corey, thought I had tried that and it failed but I just did it that way and it worked. - jjvillani 9 years ago

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