
What software do you use to create MSI packages?

What software do you use to create MSI packages?

Or do people avoid doing it this way and only use vender provided MSIs?

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Answers (11)

Posted by: cduplessis 20 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
Currently I use either Wise Package Studio 5 or Wise for Windows Installer.
With Wise studio I create the msi's via SetupCapture and I use the Windows Installer Editor to customize it to company standards.
Posted by: MSIMaker 20 years ago
2nd Degree Black Belt
I use Wininstall and SMS Installer to do my captures and then either Wise Installer or Wise Package Studio to create the msi's
Posted by: kkaminsk 20 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt
Wise 4.62 to setup capture. I would use 5 if I had licenses... Really!

InstallShield DevStudio 5 for InstallSheild MSIs that need a special touch.

Orca for when life becomes hell and I just need to make a table edit without further compiler grief.

Wise 9 when I just can't setup capture the app correctly. Then port it to MSI with Wise Package Studio.
Posted by: plangton 20 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
I use Installshield Adminstudio pretty extensively, but also Wise Package Studio and WinInstall when required.
Posted by: ab2cv 20 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
We use WinINSTALL 7.5 (though may be upgrading to 8 soon) for capturing and creating MSI's and then we edit/validate them using ORCA MSI table editor.
Posted by: oreillyr 20 years ago
Fifth Degree Brown Belt
I use both Installshield 5.x and wise but have a definate preferance for installshield.
Posted by: boyfromoz 20 years ago
Yellow Belt
Use Wise for msi files and generally use Setup Factory for executables
Posted by: clewster 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
use install sheild admin studios to make and mod MSI's. however i will at all costs avoid using snapshots its very messy and you lose vendors support if they find out. so if the vendor does not have a MSI then use the exe and package up with the silent switch inside a MSI file. or use Windows Installer Wrapper Wizard to do it for you, its freeware and can be found at http://itninja.com/link/timbuktu-pro5
Posted by: msvkumar 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I use Admin studio6.0 for repackaging and creating custom transforms.
Posted by: cannear 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Wise Package Studio seems to be the preferred packaging tool among most of the companies in my city. I don't know of any using 5.0, except a local Federal Government Agency.

There are a lot of additional components available for Wise Package Studio 5. Some of these I have briefly looked at including the QA component.

Have other members used any of the add-on components available for Wise Package Studio 5, and if so, what have been your experiences?

Posted by: Toupeiro 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Wise Package Studio 5.5 primarily. I have to admit though, I don't like dashboard utilities and and Like the basic interface of WFWI 4.x and Wise Installation System (installmaster I believe it was called?) before MSI, I used to package with SMS installer 1.2
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