Silent Installation of Adobe Creative Suite 6 (CS6) and CS4 Uninstall
I have successfully built the package using the Adobe Application Manager Enterprise Edition (AAMEE) found here: version 3.1. If I manually run the .MSI file that was created using AAMEE in the /Build/file.msi it works and installs correctly.
I then, zipped up the entire folder consisting of the build and exceptions folder and copied it to the //IPaddress/clientdrop folder on the K1000. Then created and uploaded in Inventory Software. Then created a managed install...
I tried using PSexec to pass the credentials with a managed install and also a scripted install. Neither worked.
Also, I tried this in the article found here:
I copied his script and modified it:
@echo off
start /wait msiexec.exe /i "AdobeCS6Installx86\Exceptions\AcrobatProfessional10.0-EFG\AcroPro.msi" EULA_ACCEPT=NO REGISTRATION_SUPPRESS=YES SUITEMODE=1 INSTALLLEVEL=101 AS_DISABLE_LEGACY_COLOR=1 IGNOREAAM=1 TRANSFORMS=en_US.mst /qn start /wait msiexec.exe /p "AdobeCS6Installx86\Exceptions\AcrobatProfessional10.0-EFG\AcrobatUpd1011.msp" /qn start /wait msiexec.exe /p "AdobeCS6Installx86\Exceptions\AcrobatProfessional10.0-EFG\AcrobatUpd1012.msp" /qn start /wait msiexec.exe /p "AdobeCS6Installx86\Exceptions\AcrobatProfessional10.0-EFG\AcrobatUpd1013.msp" /qn start /wait msiexec.exe /p "AdobeCS6Installx86\Exceptions\AcrobatProfessional10.0-EFG\AcrobatUpd1014.msp" /qn start /wait msiexec.exe /p "AdobeCS6Installx86\Exceptions\AcrobatProfessional10.0-EFG\AcrobatUpd1015.msp" /qn
start /wait msiexec.exe /i "AdobeCS6Installx86\Exceptions\AdobePDFSettings11-mul\AdobePDFSettings11-mul.msi ADOBE_SETUP=1" /qn
start /wait msiexec /i "AdobeCS6Installx86\Build\AdobeCS6Installx86.msi" /qn
.\AdobeCS6Installx86\Exceptions\AdobeHelp\AdobeAIRInstaller.exe -silent -eulaAccepted -programMenu WidgetBrowser.air
.\AdobeCS6Installx86\Exceptions\AdobeHelp\InstallAdobeHelp.exe appVersion=4.0.244 appId=chc pubId=4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1 installerArg1=-silent installerArg2=-eulaAccepted installerArg3=-programMenu installerArg4=AdobeHelp.air
I have tried to run this locally and zipped up in the same folder as the build and exceptions folder running CS6Install.bat on the managed install and it doesn't work either.
Error I get is: The system cannot find the path specified in command prompt using the pause command at the end so I could see it.
Secondly, will installing CS6 in the computer lab I am deploying to upgrade CS4 to CS6 or will I need to uninstall CS4 and install CS6, (which brings up a whole other topic on how to uninstall CS4)?
The test machine I used was not in the lab, I do not know yet. Lab is in use mostly all day.
Answers (2)
Can you check with below code
@echo off
start /wait msiexec /i "%~dp0AdobeCS6Installx86\Exceptions\AcrobatProfessional10.0-EFG\AcroPro.msi" EULA_ACCEPT=NO REGISTRATION_SUPPRESS=YES SUITEMODE=1 INSTALLLEVEL=101 AS_DISABLE_LEGACY_COLOR=1 IGNOREAAM=1 TRANSFORMS=en_US.mst /qn
start /wait msiexec /p "%~dp0AdobeCS6Installx86\Exceptions\AcrobatProfessional10.0-EFG\AcrobatUpd1011.msp" /qn
start /wait msiexec /p "%~dp0AdobeCS6Installx86\Exceptions\AcrobatProfessional10.0-EFG\AcrobatUpd1012.msp" /qn
start /wait msiexec /p "%~dp0AdobeCS6Installx86\Exceptions\AcrobatProfessional10.0-EFG\AcrobatUpd1013.msp" /qn
start /wait msiexec /p "%~dp0AdobeCS6Installx86\Exceptions\AcrobatProfessional10.0-EFG\AcrobatUpd1014.msp" /qn
start /wait msiexec /p "%~dp0AdobeCS6Installx86\Exceptions\AcrobatProfessional10.0-EFG\AcrobatUpd1015.msp" /qn
start /wait msiexec /i "%~dp0AdobeCS6Installx86\Exceptions\AdobePDFSettings11-mul\AdobePDFSettings11-mul.msi" ADOBE_SETUP=1 /qn
start /wait msiexec /i "%~dp0AdobeCS6Installx86\Build\AdobeCS6Installx86.msi" /qn
"%~dp0AdobeCS6Installx86\Exceptions\AdobeHelp\AdobeAIRInstaller.exe" -silent -eulaAccepted -programMenu WidgetBrowser.air
"%~dp0AdobeCS6Installx86\Exceptions\AdobeHelp\InstallAdobeHelp.exe" appVersion=4.0.244 appId=chc pubId=4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1 installerArg1=-silent installerArg2=-eulaAccepted installerArg3=-programMenu installerArg4=AdobeHelp.air
Ran it as a bat script and it returned in command prompt:
The system cannot find the path specifed. I have the .BAT file in the folder with the Build and exceptions folder. - akilpatrick 12 years ago -
I ran it again and this time instead of in C:\Adobe CS6 Install\AdobeCS6Installx86\InstallCS6.bat where the Build and Exceptions folder are; I ran it in:
C:\Adobe CS6 Install\InstallCS6.bat and got a different error;: command prompt shows
failed (consult log)
Then throws UAC to "%~dp0AdobeCS6Installx86\Exceptions\AdobeHelp\InstallAdobeHelp.exe" appVersion=4.0.244 appId=chc pubId=4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1 installerArg1=-silent installerArg2=-eulaAccepted installerArg3=-programMenu installerArg4=AdobeHelp.air
about installer options. Yes or No to continue. - akilpatrick 12 years ago -
@jagadeish I got the script you sent above to work partially... It installes all Acrobat Professional (the first command) then skips to the last command and prompts to install the AdobeHelp.exe Just wanted to give you an update. - akilpatrick 12 years ago
start /wait msiexec /i "%~dp0AdobeCS6Installx86\Exceptions\AdobePDFSettings11-mul\AdobePDFSettings11-mul.msi" ADOBE_SETUP=1 /qn
start /wait msiexec /i "%~dp0AdobeCS6Installx86\Build\AdobeCS6Installx86.msi" /qn
"%~dp0AdobeCS6Installx86\Exceptions\AdobeHelp\AdobeAIRInstaller.exe" -silent -eulaAccepted -programMenu "%~dp0WidgetBrowser.air"
"%~dp0AdobeCS6Installx86\Exceptions\AdobeHelp\InstallAdobeHelp.exe" appVersion=4.0.244 appId=chc pubId=4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1 installerArg1=-silent installerArg2=-eulaAccepted installerArg3=-programMenu installerArg4=AdobeHelp.air
Keep WidgetBrowser.air in the batch file location itself - jagadeish 12 years ago
Thank you, I successfully have it working now. - akilpatrick 11 years ago