
OS Deployment

I'm trying to figure out what's the best way for my company to automate OS and Apps deployment. My main problem is that I'm dealing with a very heterogeneous environment. We have around 30-35 different types of machines for a total of 800 laptops and workstations.

So far, I think my best bet is to use RIS to deploy an unattended installation of Windows XP and then using SMS to deploy my apps. This way I don't have to maintain 35 different images.

I would like to know what you guys think? Anyone has experience with an heterogeneous environment? Most of the products design to deploy OS seem to be focus on Imaging within an homogenous enverionement (RIS, SMS OSD, etc).

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

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Answers (3)

Posted by: Wim 19 years ago
Yellow Belt
We're using a basic image using RIS to deploy and indeed using MSI packages to deploy the applications. (office is automaticly installed during the RIS process with an MSI)

Thought we still have around 9 different RIS images. (P3, P4, laptops P3, laptops P4, and more exotic systems that won't exept a standard image)
But those images are easy to create/change and you just use the same MSI packages to complete it.

The problem we are facing here is the lack of time to create all packages to MSI [:(]
Posted by: Imaster 19 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Try the Multiple PC image software from http://www.multipcimage.com

It creates a single image that will work on just about any PC and it can be used with or without RIS. And it's only $29.95
Posted by: gertitombo 18 years ago
Orange Belt

We using one standard RIS CD image and a RIPREP Image.
The riprep image is for all our ocmputers from pentium III 500 till 3,2 Ghz P4.

I'm using a scrip that will put the right Hal layer by installation. In this way you don't need to have several riprep image for each kind of PC!.

In the riprep image are only the drivers and some security settings and some changes to OS. All other packages and ADD on are done by MSI Packages.

Bear in mind that the riprep image should be no addons tools/apps so that you can easily maintain it with MSI's.

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