
Install Office 2010 x86 into C:\Program Files

(Don't ask why) 

How do you automate the install of Office 2010 x86 into C:\Program Files rather than it installing into C:\Program Files (x86) using OCT?

Under Default Installation Path I have tried the following:

  • %ProgramW6432%\Microsoft Office
  • %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office
  • C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office

but it continues to install into C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office

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Answers (3)

Posted by: EVEEN 11 years ago
Green Belt

I guess you have created an msp and it's placed in the Updates folder or referenced in your comandline? Setting an installfolder should work from there.

Since there's a very good reason why you shouldn't install 32 bit office in the 64 bit program files folder the setup.exe might just be actively preventing you from doing this. Look into the instal-log to see if office picks up your customisations at all. It might be logging a "I cannot let you do that Dave" error.

Value wise you can then try as a last resort to outfox the logic by using Short File Names "%sytemdrive%\Progra~1\Micros~1". Haven't tested that though.

Struggeling to get legacy plugins working i guess?


Posted by: CB24NZ 11 years ago
White Belt

Sorry for the late reply.


Yes we're using an custom MSP thats in the Updates folder.


I'll test out your suggested Short File name and see how it goes.



Posted by: CB24NZ 11 years ago
White Belt

Sorry for the late reply.


Yes we're using an custom MSP thats in the Updates folder.


I'll test out your suggested Short File name and see how it goes.



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