
how to uninstall quicktime using GPO or WSUS

I am having some issues across the network with people saying that the update keeps popping up and is really annoying. After investigation we decided that we do not need the software at all on any computer anymore. 

With over 3000 Computers on the network is there a way of uninstalling quicktime via Group Policy or Windows updating server. Any help would be fantastic. Thank you in advance.


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  • Another thing...... People tell me there is a way of disabling the update prompt ???? Anyone know how I would get about that using the same WSUS or GPO ?? - liam.creaser 10 years ago

Answers (3)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: vjaneczko 10 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt
Simple; create a script that is "MSIEXEC /X {PackageGUID} /QB-"

  • Thank you, I will give it a go! What does the QB- Stand for ? - liam.creaser 10 years ago
    • Type "MSIEXEC /?" at a CMD prompt for details on the switches, but any of the Q switches sets a level of quietness. - vjaneczko 10 years ago
    • Quiet Basic - It will perofmr a quiet uninstall but provide a basic uninstall gui to the user.
      Use qb-! this switch removes the cancel button so the user can stop the uninstall. - darkgen 10 years ago
      • Thank you, but im looking for full silent with no gui at all so that when i send the script out via gpo the user does not have a choice, it will just un-install with out them knowing. also if you know... The script will not run if the application is open. is there a way to close the application (if open) and the proceed with the un-install. - liam.creaser 10 years ago
Posted by: EdT 10 years ago
Red Belt

Use the /qn switch for a silent uninstall.  If you need to first kill any running tasks, you should craft a WMI script that will return all running instances of quicktime and kill them - just in case there are multiple windows open.

Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objwmisvc = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer &"\root\cimv2")

Set process = objwmisvc.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_Process Where Name = 'QUICKTIME.EXE'")
      For Each cprocess In process
              <put your preferred kill code here>
Set process = objwmisvc.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_Process Where Name = 'QUICKTIME.EXE'")
Loop While (process.Count <> 0)

  • People tell me there is a way of disabling the update prompt ???? Anyone know how I would get about that using the same WSUS or GPO ?? - liam.creaser 10 years ago
    • You can turn off update checking through the quicktime preferences - the users can do this themselves. Unfortunately, Apple use two XML files within the user profile to store preferences such as turning off update checking, so in deployment terms, you need to install Quicktime then copy the two XML files into the appropriate locations. If they don't exist, they are created with default values on first run. - EdT 10 years ago
Posted by: vjaneczko 10 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt

Let's try this again:

Type "MSIEXEC /?" at a CMD prompt for details on the switches, but any of the Q switches sets a level of quietness.

You can also Google how to kill a program from running within a script.  Search for TSKILL

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