
How to Silent install Adobe Photoshop Elements 12?

How can i install Photoshop Elements 12 with SCCM R2. I download the instllation files, someone know how to deploy it??

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Answers (3)

Posted by: lansti 10 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt

Please follow this: http://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop-elements/kb/photoshop-element-12-silent-install.html

At the end of the article, you'll need to create a prov.xml to bypass required adobe-id signin, this works fine when you do it manually after SCCM have installed PSE12, but i try to figure out how to deploy it with sccm2012, but have issues with detection method.

Posted by: EbrithilBowser 11 years ago
Fourth Degree Green Belt

Try this: http://www.itninja.com/software/adobe/photoshop-elements/10-612

  • That's for version 10 and doesn't work or help me - EricD 11 years ago
    • Sorry, didn't know that it doesn't work with newer versions... - EbrithilBowser 11 years ago
Posted by: ccwbutler 11 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt

I got Photoshop 12 & Elements to work in SCCM 2012, then I ran into mixed issues.  It worked on some machines, and not on others.  After a lot of testing, I figured out that you must install PhotoShop first, then Elements, if not you will have to clean the registry of Adobe Elements, then Photoshop will install.  I also used the itninja10 & 11 instructions with the cmd line, setup.ini.  I did not need to use the application.xml.override. 

Also, have to use a bat/cmd file to install with SCCM, because it won't pass the start/wait.  Just made an .EXE out of it.

To uninstall, had to create the below .BAT file, and change it to a .EXE, then put it into SCCM

start/wait msiexec /x {777B751F-C904-4BD7-8DFF-81F97A3C0BC5} NOT_STANDALONE /qb

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