
How to automatize softwares uninstall of type .exe?

I want to automatize the process of uninstalling softwares in my Domain. I need to execute this process so much times in diverses machines 

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Answers (2)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 5 years ago
Red Belt

Most of us involved with software deployment will have built an uninstallation process alongside the one for installation, normally in script form, be that BAT/CMD, VBScript, Powershell, or whatever. Make sure you implement that going forward.

There are so many different flavours of installing/uninstalling EXE, that your request is pretty much unfulfillable. However, your saviour may be the WMIC command line tool.

I'll leave it to you to seek out the details of using that tool to uninstall software.

Lastly: [automatize] automate

Posted by: pfletcher 5 years ago
Yellow Belt

Hi mvmmarcus . After the software has been installed and has been reported to KACE, there should be a record of it in your inventory under software. If you go to the detail page of that software it should list the uninstall command. Examples below

Foxit Reader software detail page lists


Mitel Connect lists

MsiExec.exe /I{D33F238B-3C35-4E87-87C0-A8FA302AC36D}

The first example uses exe the second uses msi (and the /i is actually an installer command, it needs to be /x to uninstall). That is ONE way to get the uninstall command, you can take that command and use it in a script. But, there's an even easier way (sometimes)

In your SMA navigate to Scripting > Configuration Policies. Here you will see a bunch of handy options, you'll want to look at 'MSI installer' which creates an installation package for you based on your catalogue. There is also a tool in configuration policies labelled 'uninstaller' which is the opposite of the MSI installer tool, you select what software you want to make an uninstaller for,  and hit save. 

Hope this helps. Give it a try and let us know how you make out. 

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