
Has anyone dealt with deploying a software called Encryptics?

It is a data security software that we use when sending out confidential information through our Outlook client. This is the company https://www.encryptics.com/

When it deploys, the software installs under C:\Users\%User%\AppData\Local so it is profile specific. We went through the Group Policy route to deploy it to all users upon login to any workstation in our facility. Unfortunately it isn't installing.

These are the steps that we took:

1. Trusted Encryptics Publishing Certificate - Under Group Policy Management I created a GPO associated with the domain, Imported certificate as Trusted Publisher.
2. Created a distribution point on our network for the MSI package.
3. Under Active Directory Users and Computers I right clicked on the domain, clicked properties, clicked the Group Policy tab, and clicked New. Type name of this new policy, clicked properties, clicked security tab, clicked to select "Apply Group Policy" check box for the security groups that I want this policy to apply to. I created a custom security group in AD and added users that I wish to have Encryptics pushed to.
4. Under Active Director Users and Computers I right clicked on the domain, clicked properties, clicked Group Policy tab, selected the group policy I want and clicked edit. Under User Configuration I expand Software Settings, right clicked software installation, point to New, clicked Package, in the open dialog I typed the full UNC path of the shared installer package, right clicked on package that I added, clicked on properties, selected deployment tab, verified that Assigned is selected, ensured that the boxes "Install At Login" and "Uninstall this application when it falls out of the scope of management" were selected.

I added myself to the security group and nothing happens. I want to see if anyone can give me some guidance on how I can pinpoint the reason why it isn't deploying. Maybe search for something under the Event Viewer? or a better way to deploy this software?

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Answers (2)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 9 years ago
Red Belt
Did you run GPUDATE on a target user's machine? Nothing's going to happen until the policy gets applied and that only occurs at log-in time or after a GPUPDATE.

Also, did you add a transform to the MSI so that you force a user-level installation using the ALLUSERS property?

  • Thanks for the suggestion. Doing a GPRESULT i noticed that the GPO was not being applied because it was being filtered out. After linking the GPO to the OU containing our users. Then verifying the GPO's delegation is set to the proper permissions. It is now appearing on Applied Group Policy Objects in User Settings.

    I do have a question when you ask about adding a transform to the MSI. Is this something that can be done with ORCA? If so, is there a site where it explains how forcing a user-level installation works? Or if you can give me a quick rundown, I'll greatly appreciate it. - TheMessican 9 years ago
    • FYI, i had a look at the MSI yesterday. Its a really crappy vendor MSI. I would ive them a shout and ask if they have a *scaleable* enterprise MSI, a installer which dosent install into the AppData folder - who does that in the right mind anyway?

      Re: ALLUSERS=2, If you wanted to try you can try it via the cmd line, msiexec /i nameof.msi ALLUSERS=2 /qb /l*vx .\nameof.log.
      *updated, just tried allusers=2, dosent like it. But it does default to install per user anway.


      Use /qb so you can see whats going on, might throw a dialog, chnage it to /qn when u know it works.

      If you need to fast edit a MSI, check out InstEdit, its like Orca but much easier on the eyes.

      When doing the deployment, it has to run as the as the user, since it installs to the users AppData folder.

      I think my last statement is correct, its been awhile since ive used my windows installer foo.

      I tried with ALLUSERS=1, install for machine using SYSTEM account (so all users can access), said it installed, I couldn't find where the files were, i didn't look very hard. No shortcuts were created etc.

      All the best. - rileyz 9 years ago
Posted by: anonymous_9363 9 years ago
Red Belt
>check out InstEdit, its like Orca but much easier on the eyes.
Better than that, if you edit a table entry and that edit has repercussions in other tables, InstEdit will ask you if you want to make the appropriate changes. With Orca, you have to know that those changes need to happen and do them manually.

>I couldn't find where the files were, i didn't look very hard. No shortcuts were created etc.
They will have been in the System user's profile '%SystemRoot%\System32\config\systemprofile'.
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