
Group Policy - Can not add MSI

Hi all,

TheGunner here again, slight problem at the mo. Was wondering if anyone has come across with this following error :

"The size of this object exceeds the maximum size set by the Adminstrator"

The file size is 25mb, a collegue could add a msi that is 5mb. But I can not add in this MSI that I have got.

If you need any info, just ask!

Any idea's on it lads.


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Answers (7)

Posted by: bkelly 20 years ago
Red Belt
Hopefully someone else has better news for you, but what I found is this:

"Publishing Applications in Active Directory May Cause Error Message"

There is no registry key or Windows 2000 Active Directory setting that can be used to raise the size for the record limit
Posted by: cdupuis 20 years ago
Third Degree Green Belt
What did you use to repackage the MSI, Installshield can create a new setup with cab files and such, so can wise, maybe look into that instead of compiling to a single compressed MSI. On the other hand, I have apps that are over 200MB in a single msi and they work fine.
Posted by: Thegunner 20 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt
We also have packages over 200mb. The first time I put it in GP it worked fine, then I took it out and did some changes and now it wont go back in.

Posted by: bkelly 20 years ago
Red Belt
Could be a problem with the file, recompile? I would try performing an admin install and adding it to GP from there.
Posted by: Thegunner 20 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt
Just tried the Admin install and still no joy!

It's well wierd, why don't they give you a error message that we can understand and do something about it. Instead these half cut error messages that make no sense and that just confuse you.
Posted by: Thegunner 20 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt
Seem to got it working now. What we did was to delete the class and progid from the Tables. And recompiled it and it worked.

Lets hope it stays that way.[:D]
Posted by: sroux666 20 years ago
Yellow Belt
A link about CLSID and more :

Error Message: The Size of this Object Exceeds the Maximum Size Set by the Administrator
This is a design detail of the schema used to represent the package’s class information in the Active Directory database implementation. The net result is that if the number of CLSIDs plus the number of programmatic identifiers (PROGIDs) exceeds 800 or so, then the limit will be exceeded.
Remove all the entries from the Class table and the ProgId table and put them in the registry table (if they are not already duplicated there) of the MSI package.

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