
Error 1603 Installing Creative Cloud from Network Path

I used the same method as I am going to describe below to install CS6 but I cannot do this with Creative Cloud.


After I built a install Package for Adobe Creative cloud I copied it up to a network share that I use for several other remote installations including Adobe CS6.  I use Dell KACE to distribute my software and due to the large size of Creative Cloud and Creative Suite before it I do not want to copy the large install files directly to the appliance.


The problem I am having is when I try to install from this network location just as I have with CS6 I get the following error:


Installation operation failed


Windows Installer installed the product. Product Name: Adobe_CC_NoAcrobat. Product Version: 1.2.0000. Product Language: 1033. Manufacturer: Adobe Systems Incorporated. Installation success or error status: 1603.


Adobe_CC_NoAcrobat is what I named the package.


My install commands look like this:


start /wait \\SERVER\AdobeCC\Adobe_CC_NoAcrobat\Exceptions\ExceptionDeployer.exe --workflow=install --mode=pre

start /wait msiexec.exe /i "\\SERVER\AdobeCC\Adobe_CC_NoAcrobat\Build\Adobe_CC_NoAcrobat.msi" /qn /L*v c:\Adobe.log

start /wait \\SERVER\AdobeCC\Adobe_CC_NoAcrobat\Exceptions\ExceptionDeployer.exe --workflow=install --mode=post

 I basicall put those commands into a BAT file and upload that to the KBOX



I added the Logging after it kept failing to see what was going on and I can paste the entire log file if need be but if I copy the folder with the package contents locally and run the same commands from the same elevated command prompt it installs fine.  Error 1603 usually points to some access rights issue but for the life of me I cannot determine what the issue is.  I have given full control to "Everyone", "SYSTEM" and all users to the network share and it is only the MSI that fails it seems.

7 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • Every time I've run into this error, it was because something else was installing at the same time. I'm not a command line guru, unfortunately, so I have no idea how to fix it, but I think your script is trying to run the MSI before your previous install is complete.

    Not super helpful, but maybe it'll help jog some info loose. - tdickinson 10 years ago
  • I don't think so as I get the error even if I just run the MSI command by itself. I have searched the internet and others seem to be having the same issue but I cannot find an answer. This method has worked with CS5, 5.5, and CS6 when making install packages using their Enterprise Packager.

    Thank You for your reply. - bwilkerson 10 years ago
  • We decided it was best to upload the CC installers to the KBOX. They are obnoxiously large but it makes the installation process smoother from KACE's point of view. - chucksteel 10 years ago
  • Chuck - The Deployment package is 16.5GB with all the options I chose. Do you anticipate the KBOX having an issue with a ZIP file of that size? I know you can attach a ZIP file larger than 2GB if you upload it to the box using the KBOX Share and then pick the file from there to attach to the Software Inventory - bwilkerson 10 years ago
    • We broke up CC into the individual packages since most people wouldn't be needing the entire thing. We have enough people that just want Photoshop or Illustrator that we would have to build individual packages anyway so we just did that from the start. - chucksteel 10 years ago
      • Ah.. In my environment (High School Education) they like the whole suite installed in the labs and on a couple laptop carts but some people just need Acrobat so I broke it up into an Acrobat installer and then the Creative Suite minus a few applications. I have been reading on other sites and according to some this issue just started happening a few weeks ago with the packages created with the latest Creative Cloud packager. I think I have an old package I made when we first got Creative Cloud so I may try and use that. The install commands are a bit different when it comes to the exceptions deployment. - bwilkerson 10 years ago
  • >something else was installing
    1505 is the error returned for another installation being in progress.

    1603 is invariably caused by a file that the package wants to install being in use on the target machine. Try deploying only when no user is logged in to the machine. - anonymous_9363 10 years ago
  • I found an old package I made using Creative Cloud Packager months ago and using the same method to distribute the program from a network share works fine. So until Adobe addresses this issue and fixes it I will have to use that. Thank fully I have a script set up to run the Adobe Remote Update manager periodically on all my CS6 and Creative Cloud installations so that they can get the patches and updates. - bwilkerson 10 years ago
  • Dump the install files locally first. Found elsewhere:

    Year: 2014

    I've been trying to wrap my head around using the Adobe Creative Cloud Packager to create an install package which I can use to deploy the latest Adobe Creative Cloud. I've been struggling in that the main package would get about half-way through installing and then roll back the changes. Reading through the logs was awful, I couldn't for the life of me figure out why this package was failing to install from my deployment share. Throwing my arms up in the air, I called Adobe Tech Support.

    After only a little poking around, the tech tells me that Adobe doesn't support installations from network sources and that we should try installing from the local drive. To my astonishment/despair, this method completed successfully. Our conversation afterwards was as follows:

    ME: I suppose the trick is to just install it from the local disk (and not the network) then.

    SUPPORT: Indeed yes.

    ME: If it's there I guess I missed it, but I didn't notice anything in the documentation saying that network installs were not good.

    SUPPORT: Honestly speaking it is nowhere mentioned.

    ME: Ah, I see.

    I couldn't help but laugh out of despair. I wasted about a week trying to troubleshoot on my end before escalating to support--all wasted. As a workaround to get this steaming pile to install from the network, I wrote a script to unpack a 7z file containing the Adobe installer to a temporary directory, install it, and delete the directory.

    +1 hate to Adobe products - evasive2008 10 years ago
    • So far it seems they have fixed this in the latest version of Creative Cloud packager. I updated my deployment and I am able to distribute from network location. - bwilkerson 10 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: vjaneczko 10 years ago
9th Degree Black Belt

Just yesterday we talked about another Adobe product giving a 1603 error.  Maybe this'll help:



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