
enable/disable background printing and more using the registry in Office2007/Word2007

Dear Sirs,


A software vendor is recommending us to set some settings in Word 2007:

1.    background printing

2.    background saving

3.    automatically determine language



These settings should be turned off.

Using the registry the first two can be turned off by editing or creating a DWORD-value in HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\Options


It concerns:


·         BackgrountPrint

·         BackgroundSave


By giving them a value of 0 it is turned off.

Using a value of 1 for both background printing and saving is enabled.

This is not an issue and it works fine.


But we wonder how we can set the third option using the registry.


Do you have any idea?

Using tools like regmon or regshot did not bring us a solution.


We are looking forward to your early reply.


Yours truly,

Sander Riemens, Lievensberg hospital, Bergen op Zoom, the Netherlands 



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Answers (2)

Posted by: andrew_lubchansky 11 years ago
2nd Degree Black Belt

Have you tried downloading and using the ADM/ADMX group policy files?  The setting might be tucked away in there and then you can use GPO to push it down.


Posted by: riemenss 11 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt

Dear Andrew,


Thanks for your reply.


At the moment we are implementing RES Workspace Management. We are using a policy. But for HKCU-settings it is recommended to use RES Workspace Management 2012. Of course some settings (HKLM) needs to be set using policies. (>:


Yours truly,

Sander Riemens, Lievensberg hospital, Bergen op Zoom, the Netherlands

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