
Does anyone know why ARPSIZE property doesn't work?

I created an MSI installer but size entry in ARP is obnoxious. I always shows double or triple the size. I found on searching that Windows installer sets the EstimatedSize property that is causing this to happen. Testing confirmed it. Simple fix seemed that I set ARPSIZE property with an estimated value. My assumption is that ARPSIZE property value will get set into EstimatedSize registry. However no matter what I do it never works and EstimatesSize is never populated with my value. Does anyone know why this never works or what this ARPSIZE property does?

I know that I can write HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\<Product Code>\EstimatedSize registry directly but my workflow is such that I cannot do it without including c++ code. I build different MSIs from single ISM so product code changes with every product. Hence I would like to know what is the problem with using the existing property and how to make it work?

In case it matters my MSI has minimum Windows Installer requirement set to 3.0. I tried windows installer 5.0 as well but it also doesn't work. I'm using Installshield Spring 2012.

3 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • I'd have to say, why would anyone care? Once the app gets installed, isn't it a little late to be worrying about its size? - anonymous_9363 11 years ago
  • it might be counting it in bits and bytes. Which might seem to us like a abnoxious number. - Sidhugadu 11 years ago
  • Management cares :( ....... looks like no one has ever been able to make ARPSIZE property work .... - deployX 11 years ago

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