
Does anyone have a good way of uninstalling different versions of Tripwire?

I've tried PowerShell but for can't get it to uninstall via SCCM.

$qtVer = Get-ChildItem -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall, HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall  |
    Get-ItemProperty |
        Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -match "tripwire" } |
            Select-Object -Property DisplayName, UninstallString
ForEach ($ver in $qtVer) {
    If ($ver.UninstallString) {
        $uninst = $ver.UninstallString
        $uninst = $uninst -replace "/I", "/x "
        Start-Process cmd -ArgumentList "/c $uninst /quiet /norestart" -NoNewWindow

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Answers (3)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 8 years ago
Red Belt
Can you perhaps provide *less* information?!?

From what you've told us, we have no idea whether the command line even gets run!

Add verbose logging to the command line so that you can at least determine if MSIEXEC is running. If it is, you'll get a log and that log will contain information as to why the uninstallation is failing.

  • Sorry about that. I actually ended up going a different route completely, using Tripwire's provided "uninstall.cmd"

    For whomever else that may be trying to remotely uninstall Tripwire:

    cmd.exe /c "c:\Program Files\Tripwire\TE\Agent\bin\uninstall.cmd"

    Also, FWIW, I hadn't attempted a straight MSI uninstall. The above powershell script is what I use to typically nuke software. - anonymous_94995 8 years ago
Posted by: anonymous_94995 8 years ago
White Belt

I used Tripwire's provided "uninstall.cmd" to uninstall with SCCM, the below is the program command line that worked.

cmd.exe /c "c:\Program Files\Tripwire\TE\Agent\bin\uninstall.cmd"

Posted by: anonymous_94995 8 years ago
White Belt

I used Tripwire's provided "uninstall.cmd" to uninstall with SCCM, the below is the program command line that worked.

cmd.exe /c "c:\Program Files\Tripwire\TE\Agent\bin\uninstall.cmd"

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