
DJoin.exe issues when pushing through KACE

Has anyone had success using the djoin command via KACE? No matter why I push it (either an online shell script using the PowerShell method or a batch file that calls the PowerShell script), i am getting an error saying it needs to be run as an elevated admin.

When running the script on the machine itself manually, I do not get that error. It runs successfully, but when pushing it through KACE, it gives an elevation error.

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Answers (1)

Posted by: Nico_K 11 months ago
Red Belt

if you run a script via KACE it runs by default as SYSTEM\
This seems not be enough.
You need to let it run as "Run as User" and use an admin user to run.

  • Still getting it when trying to run as SYSTEM. When trying to push via the online shell script as an admin user that is on the machine I get the error that unsigned scripts are blocked. - KACEguy1 11 months ago
    • which is a different issue and caused by your security settings on the devices itself. (do not run unsigned scripts from non interactive users)
      There are two options: 1. GPO (bad idea for obvious reasons) and 2. set-executionpolicy remotesigned -Scope Process while running this so it only runs at this occasion and does not set the policy permanently. - Nico_K 11 months ago
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