
Can't Capture Mac Image in K-image Format, But Can in ASR?

K2000 ver 4.0.695

I'm trying to capture a Sierra image, but it fails after 30 seconds or so with "[error] Failed to complete successfully". There is no other relevant information provided. However, if I check the box labeled "Capture Apple ASR format images", I can successfully capture an image (which is, in turn, successfully deployable).

My understanding, however is that ASR is just one big zipped package, and can't be edited after capture, and takes up the full amount of drive space corresponding to the size of the image, whereas the K-image format is at least partially editable after capture, and does de-duplication, saving potentially lots and lots of storage space on the K2000. (You capture an ASR image of three Macs, each image being 20 GB, and you're using 20x3=60 GB of space on the server; do the same with a K-image format and your second and third images, being similar to the first in say, 90% of the files, might only be a couple of GB in size, for a total of 20+2+2=24 GB of space on the server. (These numbers are made up, but demonstrate the concept, hopefully.))

So I'd like to use the K-image format. But it fails.

Also, when I look in the Administrator's Guide (for both the 3.7 version and the 4.0 version of the K2000), I find this:

5. Select the appropriate volume to capture. Typically, the volume is Macintosh HD.
6. Select Capture ASR format Image to capture the image in the Mac native image format.
7. Select Start Capture.

I don't know if step 6 is just informational (if you want the Mac native image format, do this), or if it's necessary (you can only capture Mac images in the Mac native image format, so do this).

It seems odd that it would be the latter, since at Capture time you're given a choice. Why be given the choice if one of the choices doesn't work?

So, my questions:

1) Can a Mac image be captured in the K-image format, or must it be in the ASR format?
2) If a Mac image can be captured in the K-image format, what is going wrong with my attempt?
3) Are there logs of the capture process that might be more helpful, and if so, where are they located?



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Answers (2)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: kpm8 7 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
I had the opposite happen. I can capture a k-image but asr fails. Using version 4.1.1148 of k2000 and capturing image of macOS Sierra off of macbookpro mid 2015.
Posted by: SMal.tmcc 8 years ago
Red Belt

Top Answer

that's because it is not supported yet.

  • Oh-h-h-h...., didn't notice that.

    Well, that's ... unsettling/discouraging. - kentwest 8 years ago
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