
After installing AdminStudio 2013 R2 SP1, users with AS Professional license are unable to import more than 11 packages



After installing AdminStudio 2013 R2 SP1, any user with AdminStudio Professional license will not be able to import more than 11 packages.
On trying to import more than 11 packages, they will see the following error in the Import wizard -
Task Import could not be prepared for execution of request
Task Import could not be prepared for execution of request FAILED.
They can delete any of the existing 11 packages, and then import more packages.
But as soon as they have 11 packages in the AdminStudio Application catalog,
 they will not be able to import more packages, and will see the error shown above on attempting to import more packages.



The behavior was due to a bug introduced with AdminStudio 2013 R2 SP1,
which enforced some of the AdminStudio Evaluation edition limitations on the AdminStudio Professional editions.
The issue is tracked internally under the Work-Order# IOA-000124391
and the hotfix issued will be included in the future releases of AdminStudio.


A hotfix has been issue to address the issue. Please follow the steps found here to install the hotfix:
  1. Download the attached zip file - 'AdminStudio.Utilities.zip'
  2. Shutdown AdminStudio, all of its tools and the AdminStudio Host Process 
  3. Take backup of the existing AdminStudio.Utilities.dll files from the folder
     'C:\Program Files (x86)\AdminStudio\2013\ConflictSolver' to a different folder outside of AdminStudio Install location.
  4. Extract the AdminStudio.Utilities.dll file from the zip file and copy it to the folder
    - '
    C:\Program Files (x86)\AdminStudio\2013\ConflictSolver'.
  5. Then restart AdminStudio and you should be able to import more than 11 packages now. 
The above folder path may be different for you,
 if you have installed AdminStudio to a different location during the installation.

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