
Adobe Customization Wizard MST file distribution question

Good Morning,  I used the Adobe Customization Wizard to create an MST file (not MSI) that will install Adobe Acrobat 2020 Pro and remove all previous versions of Adobe Reader and Acrobat. I have seen people using PDQ Deploy to push this out but we do not have that. We do use KBox. I am wondering if anyone can offer any guidance or suggestions on how to best do this, perhaps through group policy even? Any help is appreciated.

Thank You, Jay 

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Answers (2)

Posted by: Hobbsy 1 year ago
Red Belt

If the .msi fi references the .mst file, create a zip file, using a proprietary zip application (pkzip, 7zip or similar)  with both in the root and save the file as whatever.zip

Then create your managed installation to run the msi file with the correct switches and attach the zip to the correct software inventory item

When the MI runs the SMA will download and unpack the zip file in a temp directory and the the .msi file will be able to reference the .mst for the installation

Posted by: obrienj 1 year ago
Senior White Belt

Thanks Hobbsy, I will try that.  

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