
Adobe CS6 - Suppress Registration

I am using AAMEE 3.0 for Adobe CS6 but am having difficulty finding out a way to suppress registration. We have a campus license but am not sure how to build that in to the package. Anybody have an experience with this?

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Answers (2)

Posted by: Rvlieburg 12 years ago
Third Degree Blue Belt

When you are using AAME for creating the package you are somewhere prompted along the line to enter the serial number.                  If you did not do that for some reason you can create a Serialization Executable which is described in the article in the following link. With this executable you can serialize the software on the client PC afterwards.



  • Thank for that. I have entered the Serial within AAMEE for our campus, but we would like to suppress the Adobe ID Registration post-install. We want to create a file if possible to auto-input the username and password to complete registration... Any ideas? Thanks! - jcarey 12 years ago
  • jcarey: I am working on deploying CS6 in our lab using the K1000. I haven't been able to get it to work so far. How did you go about it? - akilpatrick 12 years ago
Posted by: piyushnasa 12 years ago
Red Belt

The latest version of AAMEE gives you an option to login with your Adobe ID by which you have purchased the license and then create the package. In that case the registration dialog box does not pop up.

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