How do I schedule the K1000 to wake up certain machines for for updates?
I am new to the K1000 and I'm learning by doing. What I have done is create a test group of live and unused machines to implement Java, Flash and Windows updates. This is to confirm that the updates are being pushed and that people are not getting any kind of errors. I have the scheduled patches set to run after hours and on certain days of the week but I do not know how to get those machines to WOL in time to accept the patches.
Thanks in advanced.
Answers (1)
You can schedule a Wake-on-LAN by going to the Wake-On-LAN tab under Distribution. From there you can click the "Schedule a routine Wake-On-LAN event". From there select "Add New Item" and you can select the machine labels and the times you want them to wake up.
You can schedule a Wake-on-LAN by going to the Wake-On-LAN tab under Distribution. From there you can click the "Schedule a routine Wake-On-LAN event". From there select "Add New Item" and you can select the machine labels and the times you want them to wake up.
Hope that helps.
Just make sure you have Wake On Lan enabled in the BIOS. If not then you can use the DCCU (Dell Client Configuration Utility to create an exe that you could push out to the machines to make the BIOS changes. - WGM_Jeff 12 years ago
Thank you very much! I have utilized the DCCU to push out the WoL script to the appropriate PC's. I never look at the schedule WoL event before. I did not know it existed. - ztcraig 12 years ago