
Microsoft Microsoft Dynamics SL 2011 FP1 Client

Version: 8

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Views: 7.3k  |  Created: 01/23/2013 by: samzeeco

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Deployment Tips (3)

Most Common Setup Type
Legacy Setup with command line support
Average Package Difficulty Rating
Rated 5 / 5 (Very Difficult) based on 1 ratings
Most Commonly Reported Deployment Method
Vendor Provided Command Line (switch driven)

Deployment Tip Summary

Microsoft Dynamics SL 2011 FP1 is a program that is used to help manage complex project accounting. For installation it is notoriously finicky and doesn’t like to cooperate with the slightest problem. Therefore it’s important to cover all your bases while packaging this program. The previous version required we run numerous AutoIT scripts in order to get it to cooperate. With this version however I’ve managed to create an install.bat to handle the installation and give the end user a more silent installation experience. This install should first properly map the needed network drive, check if the Program, or our previous program are installed, uninstalls the old version if found, and installs the new version. I’ve tested this in Windows 7 with 32 and 64bit.



RunAsCurrentUser.exe --w "netmap.exe"

if exist "C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{8A94281C-8C6C-42FA-9A47-16F789089C58}" goto UNINSTALL
if exist "C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{7FABEA5B-B654-4A66-8E6D-EE12D6172EE2}" (
goto END
) ELSE (

CALL uninstallslv7.bat
RunAsCurrentUser.exe --w rmfolder.exe

xcopy "setup" "C:\windows\" /E /C /R /Y
RunAsCurrentUser.exe --w setup.exe /s /f1C:\Windows\setup.iss
xcopy "Icon" "C:\Users\Public\Desktop\" /E /C /R /Y


Netmap.bat (turned into netmap.exe)

if exist S: goto REMOVE (
) ELSE (
goto MAP

net use S: /delete

net use S: \\<DynamicsServer>\<ClientShare>



xcopy "uninst" "C:\Windows" /E /C /R /Y

RunAsCurrentUser.exe --w C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{8A94281C-8C6C-42FA-9A47-16F789089C58}\setup.exe /s /f1C:\Windows\setup.iss


rmfolder.bat (Turn into an exe and run with RunAsCurrentUser.exe)

rmdir /s /q "%UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Dynamics SL\"

Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows


    1. The first step for the install is to gather the required software. Navigate out to the shared drive where the workstation has been installed and copy the contents of the WRKSTN directory to your packaging machine. (Or more preferably, a shared drive that won’t be effected by VM snapshots)
    2. This install uses the switches of Install Shield Legacy switches; you can find a list of the switches and their description HERE. You will notice various MSI’s. However SL2011 relies on numerous prerequisites that the end users machine may or may not need. Rather than try to find the numerous product codes to check for installs and then use the MSI’s, it’s simpler to run the legacy setup.
    3. Once you have the contents of the WRKSTN directory copied to your shared drive, create a VM snapshot. Open a command prompt and change to the directory where it’s located with (CD).
    4. Once you’re in the proper directory in command prompt, run setup.exe /r this will run a “record” of your choices during install (even down to whether or not you restart) and will output a setup.iss file in C:\windows. Yes, really.
    5. Copy that setup.iss file to a new folder in your working directory called setup.
    6. Create a desktop icon for SL2011 and copy it into a new folder in your working directory called icon.

  1. Now create a bat file called netmap.bat with the code located on the scripts page. Once you have the bat file created open the start menu and type iexpress.exe and hit enter.

                                                               i.      Netmap.exe is needed because when KACE deploys network mapping bat files through Managed Installations on 64bit the drive comes up as disconnected and even though you can access it, for SL2011 the system looks to the network location during the install.

                                                             ii.      While you can easily set network mappings with GPO, it isn’t viable in this situation as we’re currently between SLv7 and SL2011.

      1. At the Welcome page click Next
      2. At the package purpose screen click Next
      3. Title the package Netmap and click Next
      4. Click Next on confirmation prompt (left on No Prompt)
      5. Click Next on License agreement (left on Do No Display a license).
      6. Click Add and navigate to the netmap.bat you created and click Next
      7. At Install Program to launch type cmd /c netmap.bat in Install Program and click Next
      8. Click Hidden on the Show Window page and click Next
      9. Click Next on Finished message (left on No Message)
      10. Browse to the shared location where you have the working files located and save the name netmap check Hide File extracting… and Store Files using Long… click Yes on the wizard’s warning and click Next.
      11. Click No Restart and click Next.
      12. Click Don’t Save on the Save SED page and click Next
      13. Click Next on create package.
      14. Click Finish and test netmap.exe
    1. Now create a bat file called rmfolder.bat with the code located below and follow the substeps above to turn it into rmfolder.exe.
    2. Download the program RunAsCurrentUser.exe located HERE and place it in the root of your working directory.

  1. Revert to the snapshot prior to installing SL2011 and install SLv7.
    1. If your working directory is on the VM instead of a shared drive this will delete your progress, make sure you copy it off first if you’re not using a shared drive!
  2. Open a command prompt and type CD C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{8A94281C-8C6C-42FA-9A47-16F789089C58} and then type setup.exe /r this will start the uninstall of SLv7 (don’t forget to set no restart at the end) and will create a new setup.iss copy it from C:\windows to the working directory under a new folder called uninst
  3. Create the uninstallslv7.bat with the code on the scripts page.
  4. Create the install.bat with the code located under Install.bat on the scripts page.
    1. RunAsCurrentUser.exe is necessary due to an issue with KACE Software Deployments, when they come down they run as the local system, and you can’t change this without using the scripting portion of the K1000. So since we need a managed install, RunAsCurrentUser.exe will allow us to run the executables as the current user.
    2. This is very rarely an issue, but for some reason it’s what SL2011 requires, so it’s what we have to do.
    3. The If exist section at the top searches for the previous version of SL and the new version of SL and will send the command to either uninstall, end, or go right to the install section depending on what it finds.
    4. Calling the uninstallslv7.bat will run the code in line with the rest of the install.bat

                                                               i.      I actually screwed up here; I was thinking I would need to make the uninstallslv7.bat into an exe as well; however that’s not the case. If you want to skip the bat file for the uninstallation you can input that code into the Install.bat instead and it will work just fine.

      1. Lastly the install.bat will copy the proper setup.iss file we created in step 4 and run the SL2011 install.
    1. Compile the working folder together into a zip file and find the software entry for Microsoft Dynamics SL 2011 FP1 Client (8.1) in the K1000. Set the Supported operating systems to the Windows 7 32/64bit and Vista. Then upload the zip and set the Category to Business and the Threat level to 1 – Safe.

  1. Navigate to the Distribution -> Managed Installations page and Choose Action -> Add New Item.
  2. Drop down the Software list and choose Microsoft Dynamics SL 2011 FP1 Client (8.1)
    1. Set the installation command to Configure Manually and type in install.bat
    2. Check Don’t Prepend msiexec.exe and Delete downloaded files
    3. Input Notes about the install and set managed action to Execute Anytime (next available)
    4. Check Allow Snooze and put in a message, Set the timeout to 10 minutes and set the timeout action to Install Now
    5. Check Custom Post-Install Message and type in a message reminding the user to restart prior to using the program. Set the timeout to 15 Minutes.
    6. Save the install and you’re ready to start pushing Microsoft Dynamics SL 2011 FP1!
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

We learned that after deployment and upgrade of the SLv7 that you also need to delete the previous application folder of SL or else the previous Solomon.ini will be pointing at the old server and database. Simply delete that folder and the new Solomon will automatically create the new one.

The folder is located at C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Dynamics SL

I've edited the scripts pages to add the additional batch file/EXE to fix this. RMfolder.bat (turned into RMfolder.exe like we did to slmap.bat)

 As well I've added a line to copy the new SL Desktop Icon from the folder "Icon" to the Public Desktop. As this was another small annoyance.

Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

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Microsoft Dynamics SL 2011 FP1 Client



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