
Why do broadcast alerts not 'disapear' after alloted time has passed?

Our help desk uses the broadcast alert system to tell clients to logout off a specific system for a mid day backup. the alert comes up fine and works as we need it to... but, if you don't click on the 'ok' button to dismiss the alert it remains. i.e. If a client come in after a day or more of being out, and the device has been on the network during the same period, there are multiple alerts that must be 'ok'd' to remove. (we use the broadcast alert to let them know they can log back in once complete as well) 

The expiration is set to 1hr and in testing I have an alert still present 1 hr past when it 'expired'. Not sure if broken or I'm expecting 'expiration' to mean something that is not its intended definition in this case.

lets hear it Ninja's.

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  • Might be useful to know the version(s) of operating systems involved in your setup and the version of Kace. What do you do if a user has not logged out as instructed? Do you reboot remotely? - EdT 9 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: nshah 9 years ago
Red Belt
The expiration option doesn't mean that the message will go away after 1 hour (default). It means that the message is active in the KBOX for 1 hour (default) and the KBOX will try to deliver the message to the devices you targeted for up to 1 hour in case some were offline when it ran. After that 1 hour has expired, the message dies in the KBOX will not be sent to any machines still left in your target group if it was undelivered. 

The user HAS to click on OK to make it disappear. 

  • This is a better explanation of the system than even Dell gave. - h2opolo25 9 years ago
  • Hi Nshah. Is this actually how it should work? It's what I thought however I have an alert set to trigger at 5pm and expires after 6 hours. My computer was targeted yet I still got the alert the next morning. I just created a test for an alert to go off at 5pm and expire after 1 hour. I turned on my computer at 6:30pm, received the alert...

    Ben - bens401 9 years ago
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