
Uninstalling Software

I wrote a wizard for the Admin Script Editor that builds a command line based on registry values and/or setup authoring tool command line offerings. Check it out at:


Install ASE (free trial) and then create a new script (batch if you like) then run the wizard (technically you should store the wizard in the "<installdir>\addins\wizards" folder).

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Answers (15)

Posted by: pmmcdlq@msn.com 17 years ago
Yellow Belt
I'm an "ex-techie" who is returning to the fold after a 3 year hiatus. Last time I was automating software installs, I was using "setup.exe -r" to create response files and then generating the "setup.exe /s" from the "run" command window.
It looks like things have changed. I tried the above for a network install of acrobat reader 7.0 and got nowhere - no .iss file to be found.
1. Is traditional setup.exe extinct? Is Installshield now using msi files only? Do I need to learn how to use transforms etc?
Bottom line question is how can I get up to speed with current application deployment technology asap?
Thank you.
Posted by: michaelc 17 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I noticed some recent installers have created a registry string value QuietUninstallString which is a very helpful string to grep for.
Posted by: Deepu 17 years ago
Yellow Belt

Some vendor provided MSI packages may insist on being run from a setup.exe. This is to ensure that the latest version of InstallShield Script is present on the system. This too is an MSI, so deploy it separately and then make one of the following changes to stop the MSI from checking to see if it was run from its setup.exe file...

1) Add the property ISSETUPDRIVEN to the command line (or via an MST by editing the property table) and give it a value of 1.

2) In a transform file, add a condition to the "OnCheckSilentInstall" custom action in the InstallExecuteSequence so that it will always resolve to false or remove the custom action from the sequence.

NOTE: There is feature introduced with AdminStudio 6.0 that attempts to convert InstallScript MSIs into basic MSIs, click here for the part of the AppDeploy review that discusses this feature. Be warned though, this feature has issues in detecting InstallScript packages and in generating proper output when it does- use with caution.
Posted by: ankitabhandari 16 years ago
Yellow Belt
to uninstall an application there are several options,one of very feasible ones is by command line paramater /x causing setup.exe to uninstall previously instaleld productor /uninst to uninstall existing product without reading script.
Make a batch or command file and try using these switches.
you can also silent the same using /s switch.
Posted by: coolamerboy 15 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I´m having problem with uninstalling sony vaio setting utility application!
I run the application with "z:
cd "\APPS\Setting utility\1.7"
Setup.exe /s" and i allready have a setup.iss file but when i try to run the uninstall.cmd file nothing happens!
This is my uninstallSting:

RunDll32 C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\INSTAL~1\PROFES~1\RunTime\11\50\Intel32\Ctor.dll,LaunchSetup "C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{59452470-A902-477F-9338-9B88101681BD}\setup.exe" -l0x9 UNINSTALL -removeonly

But since i allready had the setup.iss file i tried to run it like that:

RunDll32 C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\INSTAL~1\PROFES~1\RunTime\11\50\Intel32\Ctor.dll,LaunchSetup "C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{59452470-A902-477F-9338-9B88101681BD}\setup.exe" -l0x9 -s -f1"\APPS\Setting utility\1.7" UNINSTALL -removeonly

I don´t manage to uninstall the application, can anyone please help me here!
Thank you

  • Hi,

    To uninstall silently using iss file , follow the below command, it was for JMP 9 version.

    setup.exe /r /f1"<Path to iss>\Uninstall.iss" /UNINSTALL=ALL.

    The ISS file will be created and you can use it in silent deployment by providing silent switches

    Ankita - ankita_g29 10 years ago
Posted by: dunnpy 15 years ago
Red Belt

Firstly, your post is not really related to the original post by Bob, you should have really started a new post for this issue - but now you know, welcome to the board.

If you re-run the setup on a machine that already has the software installed, does it offer to uninstall it, or just run through the installation again?

If it offers to uninstall you could record a setup.iss file that is actually the uninstall of the application.

I seem to remember having to do something like this is the past, but with a previous employer, so I can't check anything for you.

Hope this helps,

Posted by: coolamerboy 15 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I´m sorry for droping a new post here, i´m new here in this forum.
Thank you dunnpy for the help but i´m still having issue with uninstall the setup.exe silent!
I managed to record the install and uninstall but not in silent mode!
I tried with several parametrs as: /s, /q, /silent, /u, etc.
Can you please help my with the correct parameter to record my application silent?
Thank you
Posted by: coolamerboy 15 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Ok i managed to run the setup.exe /S but i don´t manage to record the installation!
Any ideas?
Posted by: dunnpy 15 years ago
Red Belt

You don't need to run setup.exe silently to be able to record the install/uninstall.
The recording is done by running the setup.exe with -r, and once you have the answer file you can call setup silently with the answer file.

Have you seen this entry in the Tips section of this site?

Hope that helps,

Posted by: coolamerboy 15 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Yes it worked now thnx alot dunnpy i just didn´t understand the principle with the recording process but it seems to be working now just fine.
Many greetings from Sweden
Posted by: raviray 15 years ago
Posted by: dunnpy 15 years ago
Red Belt

It's not normal to resurrect a thread that's been dead for 5 months, especially when it's just providing a link to the answer that was provided anyway.

Thanks for your input,

Posted by: sanjaymgr 15 years ago
Yellow Belt
Hey can you help me I am not able to uninstall JMP 8 silently. I have the .iss file also but no switch is working.
Posted by: harshakola 14 years ago
Orange Belt
Hi Kelly
can u post a new video for soft ware deployment.
Posted by: bkelly 14 years ago
Red Belt
(This old thread is being locked, please start a new thread or write me directly using the contact form)

Do you mean you'd like to see a newer, updated video on software deployment-- if so what material are you interested in seeing?
If you mean there is a problem with your viewing of the video on the site let me know, but most all of these are also reposed to youtube so that is an alternative for the short term.

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