
Unattend.xml - PnPCustomization - Kbox Drivers

I am trying to use a unattend.xml file with sysprep that will use the PnPCustoizations settings to get the drivers off of the Kbox driver share. We use primarily image deployment because of all the unique settings we use due to being a educational facility. I am just looking to have my gold image (which doesn't have driver files after sysprep) be able to be pushed out to any of our 6 hardware sets, then search for the correct drivers to use.
I assumed that with the kbox it only looks at the driver store on scripted install not image deployment. I am in the process of upgrading to 3.3 today so maybe that will help.
Any other ideas are welcome to accomplish this task, but I am pretty sold on the image deploy method versus scripted installs, we do not have the man power or the time to create 150+ scripts for all our programs and settings, unless it is a lot easier than I am making it out to be.

Thank you for any response.

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Answers (3)

Posted by: dchristian 13 years ago
Red Belt

Have you tried adding the software as a post install task?

I usually add all my software this way (i try to stay away from the driver shares if possible).

If there post-install task they can be used for both.
Posted by: lawman 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I have been busy, just now getting back to working on this issue again. I could make post installation scripts but I really want to get the PNPCustomizations in sysprep file to work with the kbox driver share repository. If anyone is a "expert" on sysprep files and has pulled drivers over the network successfully during the sysprep process I would love to hear what you have to say.

Posted by: dchristian 13 years ago
Red Belt

In theory you should be able to add the path and the credentials to your sysprep file.

If you go to the system image manager -> help -> Unattended reference you'll find examples for everything.

Just remember your only going to grab the text mode drivers.

Audio, Video and Chipset still work the best when added as software.

Hope this helps
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