
Unable to install Java 8.77 trough K1000 - MSI problem

Hi everyone,

I am trying to deploy Java 8.77 32bit to all the Windows machines (Windows 7 Ent 64bit) in my organization trough Kace K1000.
There is a lot of information here that i already checked but at this point I can't get it to work on my test machine.

I see a lot of scripts to delete older versions, close open browsers and to disable auto updates, sponsor offers, ... but this is for the next steps.
So I wanted to start easy with just a basic install and build further on the script when this works but the first step is already my problem.

I downloaded the offline installer of the JAVA website "jre-8u77-windows-i586.exe", started the setup and copied the install MSI file from "C:\Users\username\AppData\LocalLow\Oracle\Java\jre1.8.0_77\jre1.8.0_77.msi" to my Java folder on the desktop.

From their i made a intall.bat file with the parameters "msiexec /i jre1.8.0_77.msi" and trough a cmd promt I selected the path "C:\Users\username\Desktop\Java" and ran the install.bat.

I get the JAVA screen with the start of the installer and then halfway trough it trows out that the there is something wrong with the MSI file.
"There is a problem with this Windows installer package. A program required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor.

So the question is if somebody knows an answer for my problem.

On the internet I find several of these topics but none seems to have an answer to solve this problem.

1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • /qn /i are the parameters that I use and it works well with the jre1.8.0_77.msi - PriorityCS 8 years ago

Answers (14)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: rockhead44 8 years ago
Red Belt
I built one out and have started deploying it without issue as a managed installed, as I have done with many previous java releases.I zipped a .bat file with the .msi. Here's my .bat file
@echo off

taskkill /F /IM iexplore.exe
taskkill /F /IM firefox.exe
taskkill /F /IM chrome.exe
taskkill /F /IM javaw.exe
taskkill /F /IM jqs.exe
taskkill /F /IM jusched.exe

WMIC product where "Name LIKE '%%java%%'" call uninstall /nointeractive

taskkill /F /IM iexplore.exe
taskkill /F /IM firefox.exe
taskkill /F /IM chrome.exe
taskkill /F /IM javaw.exe
taskkill /F /IM jqs.exe
taskkill /F /IM jusched.exe




It runs from C:\ProgramData\Dell\KACE\downloads\

If you run your .msi with /qn switches do you get the error?
Posted by: anonymous_9363 8 years ago
Red Belt

As with any MSI issue, you need to verbosely log the installation. Without that, you're reaching in the dark. Once you have a log, search for the text "Return value 3." The dozen or so lines around that entry will tell you what's gone wrong.

Now luckily, I've just dealt with U77 and I'll guarantee that you haven't changed the 'Type' entry for the CustomAction which runs the installer - remember that Oracle is still brain-dead as far as MSI is concerned and just uses it as a mechanism to deploy then run their own installer!

So, find this row in the CustomAction table:

installexe 0x0412 installerexe [CMDLINE] 

You need to change the value in the 'Type' value to read '0x0C12'. What that does is tell the installer to run the CA without impersonation. Do this in the same transform that you'll be using to copy in the 'java.settings.cfg', 'deployment.config' and 'deployment.properties' files. You are doing that, too, right?

Posted by: ToonVA 8 years ago
Yellow Belt


Thank you for the respons. For now it doesn't seems to work with the info.

I added the following code the the above script:

/L*v C:\Dell_Kace_Logs\Java\jre8u40.log

What i did in following steps:

  1. Unpack the .exe to get an MSI
  2. Copy the code from the above schript and named it "Instal_Web.bat"
  3. Put these 2 files in a folder, zipped them under the name "Java.zip"
  4. Made an installer in the case K1000 and uploaded the zip file
  5. Under the MI is set that it needs to run the "Install_Web.bat" file

Do this in the same transform that you'll be using to copy in the 'java.settings.cfg', 'deployment.config' and 'deployment.properties' files. You are doing that, too, right?

I didn't do any of this things, all the information i found was to take the MSI, made a script, upload, run and Java is installed. Did i forget some basics to install Java?

Install log file --> https://www.dropbox.com/s/7ws1976cia2xwzg/jre8u40.log?dl=0

Posted by: anonymous_9363 8 years ago
Red Belt

I can't help you with the KBox stuff - I don't use one - but isn't this line in the log obvious?

MSI (s) (AC:08) [10:45:18:710]: Product: Java 8 Update 77 -- Error: Need Administrative privileges to proceed

>Did i forget some basics to install Java?
If you want the default installation, then no, you have it done. However, if you want to avoid your users calling the Helpdesk as soon as JRE tries to update itself (which of course it can't because your users don't have admin privileges - they don't, right?) and/or goes out-of-date, then you need to turn that junk off.

The use of the files I mentioned are documented here at IT Ninja and elsewhere as nauseum so Google away and use the information you find to create a transform to use with the MSI.

Posted by: ToonVA 8 years ago
Yellow Belt
Well, the thing is that i wan't it step by step.
First clean install and if this works we go to the next stap, going to customize the install.
But since i can't get it working with the MSI file my first step failed.

My test user has full Admin rights on the system so this shouldn't be a problem for testing now.
Posted by: ToonVA 8 years ago
Yellow Belt
Okay, I am making progress for the MSI installation now.
First I made a manual install of the Java 8u77 trough the exe and deleted this afterwards trough Add/Remove programs.

Then I saw under C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java that the java.settings.cfg file still exist however the uninstall of Java.
After that I ran the installer trough Kace again and it succeeded without a problem.

So to be sure i reinstalled everything and manually deleted the java.settings.cfg file and ran the Kace setup again but now it failed.

This means that the file needs to be there in order to let the MSI install properly. Now I am looking to alter the script to make a Xcopy first before the installation starts.

I will let you know when this works (or not).
Posted by: anonymous_9363 8 years ago
Red Belt

>So to be sure i reinstalled everything and manually deleted the java.settings.cfg file
>and ran the Kace setup again but now it failed.


>This means that the file needs to be there in order to let the MSI install properly

Remember this part?
>Do this in the same transform that you'll be using to copy in the 'java.settings.cfg', 'deployment.config' and 'deployment.properties' files. You are doing that, too, right?
Posted by: ToonVA 8 years ago
Yellow Belt

Do this in the same transform that you'll be using to copy in the 'java.settings.cfg', 'deployment.config' and 'deployment.properties' files. You are doing that, too, right?

I didn't do any of these things, all the information I found was to take the MSI, made a script, upload, run and Java is installed. Did I forget some basics to install Java?

I did read your post but it was not direct enough for me to make something out of it. It makes sense now when I saw that the java.settings.cgf need to exist. Also, I mentioned it above the above my screenshots.

You mention 2 other files 'deployment.config' and 'deployment.properties' but I can't find info of these files. Do they also need to exist or are these optional? If required where do they need to be and what do they do or what info do they need to contain?

Posted by: anonymous_9363 8 years ago
Red Belt

Just *once*, I'm not going to post a LMGTFY link because I'm feeling generous but, as I mentioned, these files and their use is documented here at IT Ninja and elsewhere ad nauseum so do avail yourself of the tools available to you.

Oracle's documentation is here. I recommend using the system-level usage, as copying to each user's profile will introduce to a whole new world of Windows Installer pain which, it seems to me, you really don't need to get into now.

Posted by: ToonVA 8 years ago
Yellow Belt
Sorry if you think I should need to know this stuff but we just had the Kick Start training where they deploy 7zip.
This doesn't count as a deployment because it is just a simple copy of the .exe and TADA it works!

I found a lot of post here in the forum but a lot of them don't mention the config file and or deployment file.

I am just training to get this work but it just doesn't work for me. Now I tried with the .exe instead of the .msi installer but my results are the same. I can get a manual install working when I press the script but when KACE deploys it, it goes wrong and JAVA isn't installed.

I'll send some more info of the new script that I am using and maybe i have more luck tomorrow.
Posted by: rockhead44 8 years ago
Red Belt
Here's a guy who had a similar issued with Java 8 Update 60 and his resolution. It may help you

Posted by: ToonVA 8 years ago
Yellow Belt

Top Answer

Hi Everyone,

I came back here to answer my own question. The problem that I had with the deployment was due to the configuration of Java itself. There was some information about it on the Dell Kace website itself but is seems the link doesn't exist anymore. It said that from Java version 8U40 it isn't possible to deploy like before and you need another approach.

Also is the locol system user not good enough to install Java, you need another user from the local admin group (domain user).

So for the people who are still struggling with the Java deployment here is my full script but with the newer release Java 8U91.



The Full script:
Launch “$(KACE_DEPENDENCY_DIR)\jre-8u91-windows-i586.exe with params /s AUTO_UPDATE=Disable WEB_JAVA=Enable WEB_JAVA_SECURITY_LEVEL=H WEB_ANALYTICS=Disable EULA=Disable REBOOT=Disable NOSTARTMENU=Disable SPONSORS=Enable

I hope you guys can use it !

(If you need some uninstall GUID for Versions 6,7 or 8 just let me know because have them as swell)
Posted by: ToonVA 8 years ago
Yellow Belt
Okay, we did some more testing and it just doesn't work.
The thing is that the installer runs with the local System User and this requires some additional parameters.

Now I reed some more and the script looks like this:

mkdir C:\Dell_Kace_Logs\Java

xcopy java.settings.cfg "%ProgramData%\Oracle\Java\"* /I /S /Y /C /R

xcopy deployment.properties "%userprofile%\appdata\locallow\Sun\Java\Deployment\"* /I /S /Y /C /R

xcopy .\jre1.8.0_66 "C:\windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\LocalLow\Oracle\Java\"* /I /S /Y /C /R

timeout.exe /T 30 /NOBREAK
jre-8u66-windows-i586.exe /s INSTALL_SILENT=1 STATIC=1 AUTO_UPDATE=0 WEB_ANALYTICS=0 REBOOT=0 NOSTARTMENU=1 SPONSORS=0 /L C:\Dell_Kace_Logs\Java\jre8u66.log

type NUL > %ProgramData%\Oracle\Java\Settings_Java8u66_Installed.txt

Basically I copy the java.settings.cfg and deployment.properties files to the right directory but still it doesn't work.
So i found this on the website from Dell  How to mimic running a script as Local System User (111788).
I followed the instructions but on step 4 the command prompt won't open because it doesn't have enough rights.

Also, I didn't mention before is that all the computers are part of a Domain and don't have local admin rights (they have now but all the new installed PC's won't).
Any more suggestions of can you see some problems with the domain rights ?
Posted by: anonymous_9363 8 years ago
Red Belt

>it just doesn't work
Have you got a more vague description of the problem? This one is too detailed.

>jre-8u66-windows-i586.exe /s INSTALL...
Here you go, going back to using the EXE and not the MSI/MST so that's me done.

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