
script to deploy wallpaper update to Windows 10 clients using K1000?

Hello All,

Is anyone familiar with a way to script deploying a wallpaper update to all Windows 10 clients with KACE? We currently have approximately 500 machines we need to update the wallpaper on, however using GPO isn't feasible as everyone is remote and only intermittently connect to VPN when needed. We're looking for a way to copy a new wallpaper file to all systems and have it update the user wallpaper. We've found some PS scripts to accomplish the task, but are trying to find a way to deliver them to clients using KACE. Does anyone have any recommendations? Thank you.

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Answers (1)

Posted by: Nico_K 4 years ago
Red Belt

Go to Scripting |Configuration Policies |Desktop Wallpaper and create your script using this wizard.

If you want to use your script review https://support.quest.com/kb/316677

  • Hi Nico, thank you for your reply. It looks like the script to customize wallpaper in the K1000 doesn't apply on Windows 10 devices. It stays in "Pending" mode when created through the wizard. It's an online Kscript running as the local system account. It doesn't fail, it just stays pending. The machine is checking in and updating inventory as expected. Running a runkbot.exe from the KACE directory doesn't fire the script, although the check in/inventory updates. Is there something I'm missing? Thank you - Teldyf9 4 years ago
    • I will check it soon. You can open a SR with Quest, since it is possible this feature don't work as designed, since it is easy enough to follow. - Nico_K 4 years ago
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