
QuickTime 7.7.2 deployment - help required

hi all,

i need to deploy quicktime player 7.7.2 to Windows 7 machines using command line instructions.

i need to remove desktop shortcuts, switch off automatic updates and also remove the file association prompt when launching quicktime for the first time.

can this be achievable using command line only? we will be using task sequences in SCCM 2012 to deploy software such as quicktime.

many thanks,


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Answers (3)

Posted by: andemats 11 years ago
2nd Degree Black Belt

There's millions of tips in the Software repository.


  • However, it's NOT possible to do everything you wan't (switch off aut. updates) with command line only. - andemats 11 years ago
    • hi andemats, thanks for the reply - i've had a look in the software repository...some useful information.

      im planning to switch off auto updates, shortcuts, etc using ORCA or the qtp file.

      thanks again

      jay - lovee30 11 years ago
  • Regarding the qtp file (to remove updates), it's located in the profile for each user. IIRC it's not possible to add the qtp file with an mst (if you've extracted and plan to run the msi).
    Anyway, that should be covered in the Software repository. - andemats 11 years ago
Posted by: SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
Red Belt

this is for 7.69  version


here is from 7.55 version


After the install, add the registry key to disable auto-update:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Apple Computer, Inc.\Quicktime\ActiveX]


  • also found this on the web

    @echo off
    IF EXIST "C:\WINDOWS\QuickTime7.7.2Installed.txt" GOTO :END

    @echo Installing QuickTime 7.7.2
    @echo Please do not exit this installer or turn off the computer
    @echo Doing so will cause further delays
    @echo This box will close when instillation is complete
    @echo Thank you.

    @echo Installing QuickTime.msi (1/3)
    msiexec /i "\\itarchive\Applications\Quicktime\7.7.2\QuickTime.msi" /qn DESKTOP_SHORTCUTS=NO SCHEDULE_ASUW=0 ASUWINSTALLED=0
    @echo Installed!

    @echo Installing AppleSoftwareUpdate.msi (2/3)
    msiexec /i "\\itarchive\Applications\Quicktime\7.7.2\AppleSoftwareUpdate.msi" /qn
    @echo Installed!

    @echo Installing AppleApplicationSupport.msi (3/3)
    msiexec /i "\\itarchive\Applications\Quicktime\7.7.2\AppleApplicationSupport.msi" /qn
    @echo Installed!

    del %SystemRoot%\Tasks\AppleSoftwareUpdate.job

    @echo Done >>"C:\WINDOWS\QuickTime7.7.2Installed.txt"

    exit - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
    • note the deletion of the task also - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
    • Haha I wrote that on another forum. Side note, the .msi's have to be manually extracted for the .exe first. - GreyHatBrat 11 years ago
  • hi guys,

    im really struggling with automating the install of quicktime 7.7.2.

    I am trying to automate the install for Windows 7 clients.

    I've used ORCA to create a transform file (no desktop shortcuts and automatic updates), however, does not seem to work when trying to install with the /qn switch.

    below is the command line i am using:

    msiexec /i quicktime.msi TRANSFORMS=qt.mst /qn

    if i remove the /qn switch it continues to install with all the usual options.

    all i want to do is deploy quicktime with some tweaks...

    also, do the rest of the extracted files (applesoftwareupdate.msi, appleapplicationsupport.msi etc) need to be present for quicktime to install.

    Also, i tried the qtp method which seemed to work.

    @SMal.tmcc - i tried your command line install also, however, this did not work with the /qn switch and also the tick is still present when going through the install steps.

    Any additional help is appreciated guys.

    Thanks for the replies.

    Jay - lovee30 11 years ago
  • From the link I provided earlier;

    "The important part is the /QR
    Using /QF instead will work too.

    *GOTCHA: If you use a /QB or a /QN you will get this error.
    ?Error 1606.Could not access network location QTcomponents\.?

    This is because the /QB and /QN switch suppresses the User Interface sequence. In this QT package, the INSTALLDIR property is set during this User Interface sequence. - andemats 11 years ago
    • thanks for the addition - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
Posted by: anonymous_9363 11 years ago
Red Belt

- '/Q[x]' will be irrelevant in an SCCM deployment.

- [quote]IIRC it's not possible to add the qtp file with an mst[/quote] Why on earth not? Either use an advertised shortcut/self-healing or Active Setup

- [quote]
After the install, add the registry key to disable auto-update:[/quote]
Include the registry setting in your transform

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