
problem with 64 bit registry

hi all,

i'm new to sccm and i have a problem with the registry;

after installing an 64 bits application into windows 7 64 bits, i need to import a reg file but the reg changes are done under the 32 bits reg key, which is WOW6432Node.

so far, i tried regedit /s regfile, reg import regfile, but nothing works.

how can i import my reg file under the correct reg keys via sccm?


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Answers (6)

Posted by: mikkojarvinen 12 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
SCCM client is a 32-bit application. If you launch regedit.exe or reg.exe from SCCM client, WOW64 gives you 32-bit version of those tools and basically you cannot even see the 64-bit part of the registy. You have a few options, however. In Windows 7 x64 you can script your way around WOW64, use %sysnative% variable to launch the 64-version of the tool or you can give reg.exe additional switch /reg:64. (Or /reg:32 if you wish to work with 32-bit part. That works with both 32- and 64-bit versions of reg.exe).
Posted by: SCCM FUN 12 years ago
Yellow Belt
This is a fantastic piece of information to spread around.

I spent a week trying to figure out a way around this issue.

reg import <name>.reg /reg:64


  • This fixed my issue THANK YOU - Ninjaroo 10 years ago
Posted by: kardock 12 years ago
Second Degree Green Belt
ORIGINAL: mikkojarvinen

SCCM client is a 32-bit application. If you launch regedit.exe or reg.exe from SCCM client, WOW64 gives you 32-bit version of those tools and basically you cannot even see the 64-bit part of the registy. You have a few options, however. In Windows 7 x64 you can script your way around WOW64, use %sysnative% variable to launch the 64-version of the tool or you can give reg.exe additional switch /reg:64. (Or /reg:32 if you wish to work with 32-bit part. That works with both 32- and 64-bit versions of reg.exe).

yes sir. /reg:64 worked.


  • I have implimemted below commad line by appending /reg:64 for 64 bit version of registries and it can be viewed when deployed via 32-Bit SCCM client.
    REG ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Test123 - English" /v DisplayName /t REG_SZ /d "Test123" /f /reg:64

    The question is if /reg:64 is appended to below command which has 32-bit version registires, does it have any harm or there any implications?

    REG ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\test32bit" /v NoREMOVE /t REG_DWORD /d 00000001 /f /reg:64

    Please suggest. - sadanand619 12 years ago
Posted by: Matias M Andersen 12 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Hi Kardock,

I would think it is because of the 64bit redirection. Theres a couple of workarounds on the internet. I would solve this by creating a 64bit MSI package containing the reistry.
Posted by: Lucid 12 years ago
Purple Belt
So you need to write to the ...\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node node, or just to the ...\SOFTWARE node? The SCCM client runs as a 32-bit process, so you shouldn't have a problem writing to the 32-bit registry space. And for the 64-bit, try using the full path the 64-bit version of REGEDIT.EXE (there are two of them on the system).

We use VBScript code to manipulate the 32-bit and 64-bit registry spaces all the time from SCCM, so if that doesn't work for you, try posting here and I'll see if I can post some VBScript code snippets for you...
Posted by: andys0123 12 years ago
Orange Senior Belt
Are you installing the main app from an MSI? If so, you could add an MST to add the registry settings but mark the component holding the registry entries as 64-bit.

SCCM must specifically call the SysWow64 version of regedit – looking at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384187%28v=vs.85%29.aspx, if the application causes UAC to be called (as regedit should), it doesn't redirect & uses the 64 bit version. You could try specifically running the 64 bit (System32) version when calling from SCCM
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