
KACE SMA API - Is it possible to get users?

Is there anyway to get a dump of users from the Kace SMA API?  From the documentation, it looks like there are only:

  • /api/users/me/
  • /api/users/version/
  • /api/users/{id}/permissions/

When you get an asset using /api/asset/assets/{id}, an owner attribute is returned that provides:

  • id (this matches the owner_id attribute)
  • user_name
  • email
  • full_name

Basically, what I'm after is a list of the above four bullet points, but for all users.  The only way I can currently get owner_ids is by reverse engineering: get all assets, which in turn provides a good majority of users, but not all (some users are in Kace, but have no assets assigned to them yet).  Without knowing what a user's owner_id is, how can I assign an asset to them?

Take for example, user John Doe.  John has never had anything assigned to him in Kace, but he was imported into the SMA from our Active Directory.  I would like to create an asset and assign it to John.  How can I determine his owner_id, so I can provide it when I create the asset using the API?

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Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: KevinG 2 years ago
Red Belt

Top Answer

Unfortunately, the API does not have that capability.

Please submit a feature enhancement request here.

  • Thank you for the quick response, I appreciate it. - CoryHatter@BoydCat.com 2 years ago
    • Actually, seems like 12.1 does have a get users API, but we must have forgot to reflect it in the API documentation. It is GET /api/users/users

      To maximize the data reported, you can add ?shaping=user all - KevinG 2 years ago
      • GET /api/users/users is working for me, but I can't get the paging to work:

        GET /api/users/users?paging=limit ALL

        Can you verify whether or not paging works for users?

        When I do it for assets...

        https://kacesma/api/asset/assets?paging=limit ALL

        ...it works, and I get all assets.

        When I do it for users...

        https://kacesma/api/users/users?paging=limit ALL

        ...I still only receive 50.

        EDIT: Rather than using "?paging=limit ALL", I can specify a huge number to return all users, such as "?paging=limit 100000" - CoryHatter@BoydCat.com 2 years ago

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