
I need to populate a service desk custom form periodically... ideas ?

I know that I can use a query on the custom field to pick all possible responses.   But I need to populate those responses (250 values).  I need for this to happen on daily basis.   
I could easily do it by updating HD_CUSTOM_FIELDS with something like:

update ORG1.HD_CUSTOM_FIELDS set ORG1.HD_CUSTOM_FIELDS.VALUES="HR, Facilities, Systems Engineering, Finance"

Problem is...   user R1 doesn't have write permissions.   Any other way to do it ?  User with permissions to do it ?   Any other table that can be used for this purpose ?
Kind regards,

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Answers (1)

Posted by: chucksteel 9 years ago
Red Belt
I'm not sure what your context is but there are two ways you can do this:
Place the data in an asset and have the custom field reference the asset. Custom fields can have their value populated via a query, e.g query:select ASSET.NAME from ASSET where ASSET_TYPE_ID = 10
where 10 is the ID for the asset type you created. You can then update the asset via import or manually.

The other way to handle this is via a service desk rule. Rules can actually write to almost any part of the database which is why you need to be careful with them. You could conceivably craft a rule that would update the custom field values for you.

I would probably go the asset route as it is quite simple and should give you more flexibility for updating in the future.

  • Hi Chuck ! Thank you for your answer. The context is the following: Each one of our users works for a specific project. The active project list is managed by another application (proprietary). What I want to achieve, is to sync on a daily basis the active project list. So when a user wants to create a SD ticket, he can choose the project he / she works for. - pnvillarreal 9 years ago
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