
HOw to uninstall a another product while uninstalling the product

I want to uninstall another related product while uninstalling my product ...
I'm using basic msi project ,I used to the custom action, but it's not working properly.Can you suggest on this...?

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Answers (2)

Posted by: anonymous_9363 8 years ago
Red Belt

Nested MSIs...the work of Satan.

Keep each product, its installation and uninstallation separate. Use your deployment system or, at a very basic level, some script to chain things together.

Posted by: Badger 8 years ago
Red Belt

I agree, stay away from nested installs. Our job is hard enough without poking that beast.

if you have a deployment tool, use that.

if you don't have a deployment tool, take the easy path, write a simple cmd to run the desired removals.

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